Unfinished in-place renamed file/folder don't dismiss

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Unfinished in-place renamed file/folder don't dismiss

Post by *MarianD »

If you try in-place renaming a file or a folder and you don't confirm or cancel this operation, the line with this file stays on the panel even after changing the current directory (e. g. by double click on two dots symbolized parent directory), covering and hiding the line with the actual file/folder in the changed current directory. This persists also after next changes of current directory until you don't cancel the in-place renaming (displayed in the bad directory).

TC 8.0 ß11 (64-bit) / Windows 7 Ultimate (64-bit)
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

If you try in-place renaming a file or a folder and you don't confirm or cancel this operation, the line with this file stays on the panel even after changing the current directory (e. g. by double click on two dots symbolized parent directory)
Cannot reproduce.
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Post by *MarianD »

After your answer I try to reproduce it, and this bug occurred every time when I tried, and the unfinished line persists even after switching to another program and then switching back to TC. TC was evidently in some odd state.
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Post by *Sob »

It happened to me once few days ago, but I wasn't able to reproduce it again.

Can you reproduce it even after you restart TC? If so, you might want to try starting TC with clean ini (keep the old backed up) and see if it still happens. If it doesn't, then it must be caused by some of your settings and you could either try to find it yourself or share the original ini with author. If it does happen even with clean ini, then there's something really strange going on. :)
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Post by *romulous »

@MarianD: Did it look anything like this?
(That's a file being renamed as a directory)

If so, I found that it is not 100% reproducible, but is fairly common when using the XCD plugin with TC x64. I did mention it to the XCD author, but he has no idea of the cause unfortunately - and XCD still does not work well with TC x64 despite the author's best attempts to make it do so (with 32bit TC it works fine I've found, it's just 64bit that is the problem).

What was happening though was XCD was trying to change to a folder, and it was passing the folder name through to a rename on the file you had highlighted at the time (why it was triggering a rename is unknown - though XCD works by simulating mouse clicks on the TC window, so I think that is probably why). TC was compounding this problem by then accepting characters that you cannot actually use in a filename normally (note the :\ in the screenshot for example). You couldn't do anything once it had done this - restarting TC would restore things to normal, but nothing you could do while TC was in that state would undo that file rename.

I'd imagine that there are other ways than with XCD that this can be triggered - it's clearly a TC problem (and likely x64 only) that lets the file be renamed like that in the first place.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

I wonder HOW you move the cursor out of the rename box. I tried clicking on the ".." and "\" buttons, or double clicking on any folder or file, but the rename box was always immediately closed!
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Post by *romulous »

I think under normal circumstances that is true - but it seems TC can get into a state where it does allow you to do this (move the cursor out of the rename box I am referring to).

It's obviously rare - but not so rare that at least 3 separate people in this thread have seen it.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Please let me know how you moved the cursor out when it happens again. I have added a few calls to "Close rename edit box" to various functions, e.g. "..", "\" buttons and change directory, but this may not catch your specific problem.
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Post by *MarianD »

To romulous:

I don't use the XCD plugin, so I didn't look something as in your picture in your link.
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Post by *romulous »

Yep, as I said, I'd imagine that there are other ways than with XCD that this can be triggered - it would be the same problem from your description. I also suspect that Christian won't be able to track this one down - there is obviously something slightly different between Delphi (where it doesn't happen) and Lazarus (where it does).
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Please keep me informed when it happens again, just describe exactly what you did after opening the in place rename edit box.
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Post by *romulous »

It happened again last night, again with XCD and TC x64. After XCD had failed to send TC to the folder name I typed in and had sent the folder path to the file rename it had mistakenly triggered in TC - and TC had accepted the folder path including the non valid characters as a valid filename - I simply clicked on the next file in the file list. I was then able to do the normal file operations, all the while that file was still in the rename phase.

Interestingly, I then double clicked the file pane - I figured that XCD's double clicking simulation was triggering the problem for me (actually, it can be 4 clicks if the TC command line is not blank from what the XCD author has told me), and I wondered if it could reset the behaviour. Lo and behold - the file which had been renamed with a folder path vanished, to be replaced by the original filename of the file. Previously, I had to totally close TC to get that back to normal, so I did discover something new at least.

At the moment, I've uninstalled both TC x64 and XCD - the behaviour is frequent enough to be annoying, but does not happen 100% of the time, and unless I can get a 100% reproduction, the report is not much use to you.
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Post by *Sob »

It happened again here too with x64 beta 12. It was a little different than before, previously the edit was more persistent, but it's probably because of changes in beta 12.

As to what I've done, I'm not exactly sure, no matter how stupid it may sound. :) I was just going through source code I'm working on, doing some speed-sorting, i.e. checking the files in lister, copying, renaming, ... so constant F3, Esc, Up, Down, F5, Shift+F6, some mouse clicks, like five operations per second. :) Ok, probably a little less, but definitely very fast. And suddenly I see stuck rename edit. I didn't intentionally rename any file directly before that, it must have been just accidental Shift+F6 I pressed or (more likely) those two "slower than double-click" clicks at the file. Once that happened, it could be reproduced until I restarted TC.

It was possible to close the edit by:

- Enter or Esc inside the edit
- clicking some TC interface elements (".." or "\" buttons, command line, ...)
- scrolling the list using mouse wheel
- double clicking other files in list

It did not close when:

- pressing Shift+F6 on another file
- single clicking other files in list (both left and right mouse buttons)

But sometimes left click moved the edit to clicked file (nothing but single left clicks in the video):
http://web.hisoftware.cz/sob/img/tc80b12x64-stuck-inline-rename.avi (200kB)
(ignore the hourglass cursor, it's recording software's fault)

I have Windows 7 x64 with nothing special, no XCD. No invalid characters entered in rename edit. From settings related to in-place rename that I'm aware of I have InplaceOkButton=0, but it's impossible to test if it matters, because the occurence is very rare (only twice so far with daily TC use) and it's impossible to reproduce intentionally.


Edit: My bet goes on some timing issue around "two clicks to rename". I was actually able to reproduce it now again, doing just that and nothing else for few minutes. But it's still hard and one must be really (un)lucky (depends on how you look at it :).
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Post by *romulous »

Sob wrote:so constant F3
Sob wrote:I didn't intentionally rename any file directly before that
It might not have been Shift+F6 that triggered your rename. I reported a bug long ago (still unsolved and still behaves this way in Beta 12) where hitting F3 puts TC into rename mode instead of opening Lister. It's not a PC specific thing - even changing PC's I still see this behaviour. It isn't an every day thing either, it seems fairly random when it happens.

Anyway, back to the rename problem - in my case, I think XCD is simply the trigger ON MY SYSTEM as its simulated clicking behaviour confuses TC which puts it into rename mode and the problem starts from there - the problem is clearly in TC itself, not any plugin or whatever. So everyone just pretend I didn't mention XCD - everyone seems to start their post with "I don't have XCD" - it doesn't matter if you don't, there are obviously multiple triggers for this.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

I can reproduce the problem now when turning the scroll wheel while the rename box is open. The edit box disappears, but is still active. When you press ENTER, the file is still renamed. I will try to handle it.
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