[WCX] CopyTree: Copying files with folder structure

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Post by *Peter »

Here is the German translation (Deutsch.lng) with new string "27":

Code: Select all

; CopyTree, by TW and Peter2

[Copy Tree]
; German messages (1252) - be careful with format parameters like "%s" and "%X"
4=Ja für &Alle
5=N&ein für Alle
7=Gewählte Objekte kopieren &nach:
8=Gewählte Objekte verschieben &nach:
9=Gewünschte &Ebene der Verzeichnisstruktur wählen:
10=Nur Dateien dieses &Typs:
11=Kopieren: Mit erster Datei die zweite überschreiben?
12=Das &nächste Mal nach Optionen fragen
13=Nach Optionen fragen, falls die &Windows-Taste gedrückt ist
14=&Jedes Mal nach Optionen fragen
16=Copy Tree - Einstellungen
17=Wollen Sie den Vorgang abbrechen?
18=Kann Datei mit einem anderen Basispfad nicht kopieren.
19=Diese Datei überspringen und weiterfahren?
20=Einige Objekte konnten nicht kopiert/bewegt werden:
21=Neu &laden
22=&Datum und Zeit von Verzeichnissen kopieren
23=Kopiere Zeitstempel der Verzeichnisse...
24=Verschieben: Mit erster Datei die zweite überschreiben?
25=Leere &Quell-Verzeichnisse beim Verschieben löschen
26=Entferne leere Quell-Verzeichnisse...
27=Kopiere &alle drei Zeitstempel
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Post by *MVV »

Thank you!
I'll include in in next release.
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Post by *Peter »

Please check it. I don't know why, but I get always the English dialogues :shock:
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Post by *MVV »

You should set language file explicitly in INI, just like for NTLinksMaker, refer to section 1 of Readme.
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Post by *Peter »

MVV wrote:You should set language file explicitly in INI...
Yes, sorry. I thought I had it set long time ago, but ... - my mistake.
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Post by *tt_1111 »

What happens with junctions / hardlinks?
Is there an option to just copy the link and not the whole structure (all files and folders) behind it? If so, does it actually appear as a link in the target (and not just as an empty directory)?
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Post by *MVV »

What happens when? It seems that you lost some details...
However I can guess that you're trying to copy/move folder with some links or just links.

Hardlink may be moved within same volume w/o problems, when you copy it or copy/move to another volume, you get independent copy, not hardlink.

Junction copy/move behaviour is a completely problem of ap application you're using to copy/move it. TC has an option CopyLinks to control this behaviour, it should be enabled in INI (but it does it wrong sometimes).
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Post by *MVV »

Just noticed that files could be copied into wrong place when target dir was root dir, now backslash is preserved in such cases (because F: means current dir on F drive while F:\ is root dir).

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Post by *MVV »

Added Chinese Simplified translation, thanks to wwj402!
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Post by *MVV »

I've fixed working with UNC paths which become broken after adding long path support (M$ invented different long path prefixes for local and UNC paths).

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Post by *MVV »

Previous beta contained a bug preventing it from copying to local destinations, fixed.

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Post by *justauser »

MVV, there is a bug with the latest version:

It's not copying time stamps (options to copy are checked in CopyTree settings) for folders when "Recursively pack subdirectories" option is checked (at pop-up dialog after pressing Alt+F5). Without this option CopyTree is not copying recursively (or I don't understand how)
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Post by *MVV »

Sorry, I can't reproduce. Recursive option is checked always for me (there is no any sense in disabling it; and I believe TC simply ignores subfolders when you disable it therefore CopyTree doesn't copy recursively), and folder timestamps are seem to be copied properly.

Please describe exact steps to reproduce the problem (test folder contents, where do you select items - from folder itself or from search results or branch view - etc).
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Re: [WCX] CopyTree: Copying files with folder structure

Post by *isidro »

; CopyTree, hardcoded messages
; Spanish translation keeping same shortcuts as english

[Copy Tree]
; Spanish messages (1252) - be careful with format parameters like "%s" and "%X"
1=&Y Sí
4=Sí &A Todo
5=N&o a Todo
7=Copiar obje&tos seleccionados a:
8=Mover obje&tos seleccionados a:
9=Nive&l de árbol a copiar:
10=&y Sólo archivos de este tipo:
11=Copiar el archivo de arriba sobre el de abajo:
12=Pregu&ntar opciones la próxima vez
13=Preguntar opciones cuando se presiona tecla &Win
14=Preguntar opciones si&empre
15=&S Guardar
16=Configuración de Copy Tree
17=Quiere cancelar la operación?
18=No se puede copiar archivo con otra ruta base.
19=Saltea este archivo y continúa?
20=Algunos elementos no se copiaron/movieron:
22=&y Copiar fecha/hora de carpetas
23=Copiando fecha/hora de carpetas...
24=Mover el archivos de arriba sobre el de abojo:
25=&D Borrar carpetas vacías en origen al mover
26=Borrando carpetas vacíasen origen...
27=Copi&ar las tres fecha/hora
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Re: [WCX] CopyTree: Copying files with folder structure

Post by *MVV »

Thank you!

I think it would be nice to move shortcut keys to braces in the end of titles, like in Chineese, e.g.:

Code: Select all

1=Sí (&Y)
10=Sólo archivos de este tipo (&Y):
What do you think?
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