[WFX] VirtualPanel: Temporary panel for TC

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Purpose, Function?

Post by *Phred »


What does VirtualPanel DO?

The description on the plug-in's page and in the readme starts with:
ìîæåò õðàíèòü ññûëêè íà ôàéëû è êàòàëîãè, à òàêæå âèðòóàëüíûå êàòàëîãè
Temporary panel plugin for Total Commander:
+ keeps links to files and folders, and virtual folders
+ import/export of whole contents or separate directories

But what does it DO? What IS it?
Is there a description of what it does, rather than a description of its features?

I can imagine what a virtual panel in TC might be, but your conception, MVV, might be completely different to mine.

You wouldn't describe something as:-
- 1:2 Di-hydrogen semi-intercostal mid-temperature based substrate
- hydrogenased O-α-D-glucopyranosyl-(1→2)-β-D-fructofuranoside enhanced
- subject to expansive observation of di-oxygen carbon compound priorly dissolved
- pervaded by an additive of temmoku nature, origin unknown
- contained by a shaped substance of amorphous molecular icosahedra structure
...before you actually refer to it as * a bottle of Coke *, a tasty effervescent, thirst-quenching drink.

VirtualPanel is....?
VirtualPanel lets you....?

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Post by *Stefan2 »

VirtualPanel is.... like a text file to collect files from different paths.

But shown as "normal" file list in TC,
to do all hings you can do with TC, like copy, move, delete...

Use it as save/load-able scratch deposit.

Tip: usually, if I don't know what a thing do, I do a search and read all related threads.
Perhaps a way for you too to find some examples?


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Post by *MVV »

Well, perhaps it should be really mentioned in Readme... It is assumed that user knows 'temporary panel' term (which is used in TC, FAR and some other file managers).

Temporary panel is a virtual folder for allowing storing (temporarily or not) links to real files and directories for easier access. You can view/copy/move/delete files from virtual panel and even export filelists.

BTW first topic post tells that:
Temporary panel allows you to keep files that you need often and to access them as if they were real files and not just links.
I've added short description to Readme (will be available in next releases):
VirtualPanel is a temporary panel plugin for Total Commander. It is is a sort of virtual folder that allows keeping links to frequently used files and accessing them as if they were real files and not just links. It doesn't store any files, it only keeps links to them in special list files.
You can use VP as a temporary place for files that should be copied to some other place. Also you can use it for organizing media libraries and for other needs. You can even set up some folder for collecting files from multiple folders on your PC.
Also I've updated first post and plugin pages on totalcmd.net and wincmd.ru sites.
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But how?

Post by *Phred »

Okay, looking good, thanks MVV.
A very welcome addition to TC; you should promote it more.

What I think would help now is intruction on how to use it.

I have the plug-in loaded; now what?

Like the MediaViewer (device) plug-in, you load it, and....?
You look into devices by choosing the Network icon/control.

Examples of using VP..?

(I've never found any around here. It's always seemed to be discussion among the cognescenti.)
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Post by *MVV »

Well, there is a thread full of usage examples and different issues, you can simply view it if you wanna more examples.

As the Readme stated, plugin can be accessed via Network Neighbourhood just like any other file system plugin. So you should just try using it.
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Post by *Phred »

Thanks for the tip on going to the Network Neighbourhood control, MVV.
'..like any other file system plugin' - I didn't know that.
(Always best to advise from the fundamentals, I've found..)

HOWEVER - tho' I thought it had gone away, Anti-Malware from Malwarebytes is again preventing me from accessing your site.
What's going on? Are you being served bad ads from a third party?
As I say, this has happened before ..in the last few weeks.
MBAM is, of course, not a trivial safeguard.

Firefox 46.0.1, Mwbs' AntiMalware fresh and up-to-date.
(plus MSE)

PS That thread with usage examples? ..for beginners, I trust.
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Post by *MVV »

I don't know what your AV think but totalcmd.net/wincmd.ru is the biggest and the most known TC plugins database. I have no problems in accessing it from Firefox (of course I have no MBAM installed).
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Post by *Phred »

Something strange is happening, MVV - as soon as I hover over your link, MBAM pops up a warning panel, IP address, port, Firefox outbound..
Something's got MBAM's back up. :|

Anyway, I noticed that I downloaded VP last week - somehow - and it's now installed.
I see V...P... under the network icon.
(I really haven't seen instructions/usage advice anywhere. Wading thru a 41 page thread isn't my idea of fun :| )

Tips? Examples?
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Post by *Hacker »

Phred wrote:As I say, this has happened before
All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *gdpr deleted 6 »

Hacker wrote:
Phred wrote:As I say, this has happened before
All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.

again. again. again. again.
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Re: Hmm

Post by *nsp »

Phred wrote:Something strange is happening, MVV - as soon as I hover over your link, MBAM pops up a warning panel, IP address, port, Firefox outbound..
Something's got MBAM's back up. :|

Anyway, I noticed that I downloaded VP last week - somehow - and it's now installed.
I see V...P... under the network icon.
(I really haven't seen instructions/usage advice anywhere. Wading thru a 41 page thread isn't my idea of fun :| )

Tips? Examples?
You want MBAM and google threat list to protect you and it is your own choice. Unfortunately they also protect you against valuable software. Some IP ranges/website are blacklisted from time to time without any notice.

The number of pseudo vulnerabilities seems to increase a lot recently specially for russian, chinese,.... website.

Firefox is also using Google threats list :(, and MBAM is a bit "protective"...
For firefox, give a look Here !
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

If you get banned by the Google/Firefox blacklist and are the admin, you need to login with your Google account (or create one) and create a Google webmaster tools account for your page:

Then you can click on "I have fixed the issue" to cause a rescan. It should also give you some hints/links of what they think is wrong.
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VirtualPanel folder empty after restart of TC

Post by *tuska »

I have downloaded the plugin with filename: wfx_VirtualPanel_2.0.7.1364.7z and installed
with double-click on filename under %COMMANDER_PATH%\Plugins\wfx\VirtualPanel\VirtualPanel.wfx

Under "Network" -> "VirtualPanel" I can enter the folder \\\VirtualPanel\*.*
With F5 Copy I have copied the "Readme.txt" into this folder with success.

After restart of TC the folder \\\VirtualPanel\*.* was empty.
In former times content of folder remained.

I could not find ?.ini - file and did not know what to do exactly according to your
You may open plugin properties to get path to INI file.

I even copied "fsplugin.ini" from TC-Root to VP folder, but it does not work.

In the folder "Extras.EN" I discovered the file "VirtualPanel.bar" and dropped it to the
buttonbar. After clicking the button and choosing "Settings" I got "File not found!"

In this connection I stated that after closing the "VirtualPanel.bar" I had to restart TC
to receive my buttonbar. It would be nice, if a separate TC-instance would be started
with the "VirtualPanel.bar" and this instance could be closed separately.

So I would ask for kind assistance to make it work.

TC 8.52a (x64) - Windows 10 Pro

Kind regards,
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Post by *MVV »

tuska wrote:After restart of TC the folder \\\VirtualPanel\*.* was empty.
In former times content of folder remained.
In case of new installation VP sets %TEMP%\VirtualPanel.lst as default filelist path. But if you have VP installed in the past, it could reuse your previous setting. Please check default filelist path in settings.
I could not find ?.ini - file and did not know what to do exactly according to your Readme.txt:
VP uses standard TC fsplugin.ini file by default, but it may use INI in its directory if such one exists.
You can open plugin settings via Alt+Enter on VP folder in Network or Properties item in its right-click menu. Also you can execute <? command in TC command line if you have VP opened in active panel.
I even copied "fsplugin.ini" from TC-Root to VP folder, but it does not work.
VP doesn't search any configuration files inside.
In the folder "Extras.EN" I discovered the file "VirtualPanel.bar" and dropped it to the
buttonbar. After clicking the button and choosing "Settings" I got "File not found!"
You must edit this file in order to fix path to VPBatch.exe because your plugin installation path is different from one that is hardcoded to BAR file.
In this connection I stated that after closing the "VirtualPanel.bar" I had to restart TC to receive my buttonbar.
You can simply turn buttonbar of and then on to reset it to default buttonbar file. BTW you can enable menu mode for any BAR file (after adding it to your buttonbar) to make TC showing it as a drop-down menu instead of switching to it.
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Post by *tuska »


Thank you very much for your prompt support!
Upon your instructions I could clarify and solve the matter (all points!).
All of your hints were be of value for me.

The main culprit was the wrong path in previous fsplugin.ini.

Kind regards,
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