"New text file" (possibly unicode enc.) on button

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"New text file" (possibly unicode enc.) on button

Post by *RickyGold »

I'm stuck trying to create a button with the "open new text file" command.
In the "Change button bar" window I've used the search function beside the "Command" textbox: tried "open new text file" (obviously), then tried any combination of "open", "new", "text", "file", but couldn't find the command for it.
I usually use the context menu in the files pane or the "shift-F4" shortcut, but I would like to create a button for it.

Furthermore, with said custom button (and only with it), I would like to open the new text file in unicode encoding, but leaving ANSI as system default... is that possible to do in one click only?

Thanks alot.
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Post by *Stefan2 »

Just create a template file
and an button which copy that template to the current path.

If you use '?' as first char in button parameter,
you are even prompted to be able to modify the new name.

Something like

CMD = cmd /c
PARAM = ?COPY "%Commander_PATH%\ShellNew\unicode.txt" "_newfile.txt"








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Post by *Hacker »

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Post by *RickyGold »

Thank you for the replies.

Roman, that is exactly the command I was looking for but it seems it's a new command in version 9. I'm still on 8.52a and cannot find it.

Stefan, I did what you suggested and it's totally Ok. The text file is created from the template and has the desired encoding.
A better search in the forum could have lead me to the solution before, as you pointed out there are several reference to this issue. Thank you.
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