Do you think that in this sentence it is written that I am asking you to "replace the text in parentheses"? Аnd do nothing else?
You asked me to "Read carefully, including what I started with". So I read what you wrote including what you started with: "If there is a specific claim to me, please voice it by writing my nickname. I guess you won't like it if you're called user with ~12513 posts. Show respect to the visitors, please." So I did
exactly what was asked, wrote your nickname to show respect. What else would you like me to do?
Claims in the generalized context of the proposal, where I was belittled, as such, I did not see. And the indication of me there in general looks strange before the presentation of this claim, so it was logical to remove it, but now it no longer makes sense because of the deployed demagoguery.
Those sentences do not make sense to me in English, I am sorry. Perhaps in German, as a last resort? Unless you know Slovak or Czech? I simply do not understand what you are trying to express in English. Or perhaps someone can explain it to me in some other way.
Does the lack of authorization somehow prevent him from reading messages?
Well, either he has read the messages and chose not to reply, or he hasn't read them.
This word has many meanings. It depends in what context to apply it. Will "proviso" or "clause" suit you more?
Since "Comparing a clause and a potential misunderstanding of the difference in terms is already too much" does not make sense to me, either, not really.
instead of discussing it with the author of the words, for some reason I'm discussing it with someone else
Well, the reason is the wording of your question, in case I did not make it clear enough.
I sum up to the fact that your point of view "find the answer yourself or from another user in another topic" is not adequate.
Ahhhhhhh, OK. Thanks for the explanation. While I agree in general, I simply think the answer is so obvious and clear that there is no doubt. If you still doubt it anyways, as I said previously, you can still ask in the topic, or contact
miskox per email. If you decide to post in the topic, I'd suggest a wording that has less chance to be perceived as a jab / attack / confrontation / belittling.
I didn't even have a chance to ask additional questions. You've moved the messages.
At the risk of repeating myself, you can still ask any questions you like, the thread is open, users have added several new posts already.
To begin with, moving two harmless messages back.
Those two harmless messages are unnecessarily off-topic, the first one can be perceived as not really friendly, and both have been answered anyways, even though not by the person you'd wish the answer from, so I see no reason to move them back.
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