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Posted: 2007-06-07, 22:45 UTC
by eqnx
I'd have to say FTP over SSL is my favorite new feature. I'm so glad that I don't have to use a different FTP client just to transfer files securely.

Posted: 2007-06-24, 18:11 UTC
by Mirek
- Alternate line colors for even and odd lines
- Compare by content editor
- Changing custom attributes
- Use editor to multi-rename files
- Thumbnails and custom attributes in overwrite dialog
- New icons
- Auto-complete paths
- User-defined commands

Posted: 2007-06-26, 07:59 UTC
The percentages are quite confusing. This is a bug in the poll system.
That is a big bug, the system has to make a difference between single choice and multiple choice.
Correct percentage at this moment:

Code: Select all

Alternate line colors for even and odd lines	              62,7%	37
Compare by content editor                                    50,8%   30
Separate directory tree(s)	                                16,9%   10
Cursor in Lister	                                          61,0%   36
Changing custom attributes	                                32,2%	19
Log file                                                     44,1%   26
Custom columns in file-system plug-ins	                    33,9%   20
Use editor to multi-rename files                             44,1%   26
Thumbnails and custom attributes in overwrite dialog         42,4%	25
New icons	                                                 71,2%   42
Sort by multiple columns	                                  42,4%   25 
Auto-complete paths	                                       52,5%   31
FTP over SSL	                                              20,3%   12
User-defined commands	                                     54,2%   32
Aliases	                                                   33,9%   20
Search FTP server	                                         28,8%   17
		Total Votes 408
		      Voters  59