Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

Now I'm writing version that will work with CR/LF in a right way.
A'm I right - now all works right to you?
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »

Ovg wrote: 2021-10-15, 15:49 UTC Now I'm writing version that will work with CR/LF in a right way.
A'm I right - now all works right to you?
Yes, thank you, everything is fine for me now.
I always find it so difficult to enter my values in the script, because until now I have always had doubts.
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

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#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »


Version that working with CR/LF in columns in a right way.
Your path and programs are preserved, check it, but it seems that all ok (I tested with your paths )

Try and enjoy! :D

Code: Select all

; Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST
; LOADLIST command and UTF8 file lists
; Send ResultsList to Total Commander
; Build AutoHotkey_L
; Build x64
; Build Kill=true
; Build Zip=false
; Build Run=true

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

; Create / read .ini file settings
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
iniFile := RegExReplace(A_ScriptFullPath, "(ahk|exe)$", "ini")

if not (FileExist(iniFile)) {
    iniContent :="
    ( LTrim
        ; Where to save the output (full path)

        ; The columns 'Name' and 'Path' must be visible in the Everything
        ; window. The first value is the position of the 'Path', the second
        ; value is the position of the 'Name' column
        ; Default: 2,1
    FileAppend, % iniContent, % iniFile, UTF-16

IniRead, DestinationFile,           % iniFile, General, DestinationFile,           % A_Temp "\~EV-Results.txt"
IniRead, EverythingColumnPositions, % iniFile, General, EverythingColumnPositions, 2`,1
IniRead, AddEndSlash, % iniFile, General, AddEndSlash, 1

DestinationFile           := ResolveEnvVars(DestinationFile)
EverythingColumnPositions := StrReplace(EverythingColumnPositions, " ")

; Force default value if none is given (or path doesn't exist)
SplitPath, DestinationFile, , dstPath
if (DestinationFile = "" || !InStr(FileExist(dstPath), "D")) {
    DestinationFile := "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\EV-Results.txt"
;   DestinationFile := A_Temp "~EV-Results.txt" ... in an earlier script! ... analogous to line 40 in the current script (modified).
;   DestinationFile := A_Temp "~EV-Results.txt" ... in einem fruheren Skript! ... analog zu Zeile 40 im aktuellen Skript (modifiziert).
if (EverythingColumnPositions = "" || !InStr(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")) {
    EverythingColumnPositions := "2,1"
;OutputDebug, % "DestinationFile: " DestinationFile

columnArray := StrSplit(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")

;hWnd := WinExist("im).*?Everything ahk_class EVERYTHING")
hWnd := WinExist("ahk_exe Everything(?:\d\d)*\.exe")

if hWnd
  ControlGet, winContent, List, , SysListView321, % "ahk_id" hWnd

  if (winContent)
    fullContent := ""
;   Loop over row(s)
    Loop, Parse, winContent, `n
      rowID := A_Index
      path  := ""
      name  := ""
      full  := ""
      Bad := 2
;     Loop over column(s)
      Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % A_Tab
        colID   := A_Index
        content := A_LoopField
        If (colID > columnArray[1] And colID > columnArray[2])
          If (colID = columnArray[1])
            If !RegExMatch(content,"i)^[a-z]:")
            path := content
            Bad -= 1
            If !RegExMatch(path,"\\$")
              path := path . "\"
          Else if (colID = columnArray[2])
            If !content
            name := content
            Bad -= 1
      If (Bad == 0)
        full        := path . name
        If InStr(FileExist(full), "D")
          if (AddEndSlash == 1)
            if !RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := full . "\"
            If RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := SubStr(full,1,StrLen(full)-1)
        fullContent .= full "`n"
    fullContent := RegExReplace(fullContent,"\R$","")
    If (FileExist(DestinationFile))
      FileDelete, % DestinationFile

        FileAppend, % fullContent, % DestinationFile, UTF-16
	run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /T /S D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;       run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /R=D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;       run "C:\Program Files\Total Commander\TotalCmd64.exe" /O /R=g:\System\Temp

        run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -instance "PRIVATE" -close
;	run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -close    	--> see also line 151!
;   Empty search result
      Msgbox, 16,, Search result is Empty, Nothing to do ...
; No Everything window visible
} Else {
    Msgbox, 16, Fatal error, Everything window does not exist!
;run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -close		--> see also line 140!
SetTitleMatchMode, 1

; ==================================
; = GOTO: FUNCTIONS - ResolveEnvVars
; ==================================
ResolveEnvVars(str) {
    if sz := DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
        VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz * 2 : sz)
        if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
            return dst
    return str
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »


Super! Thanks a lot! :D
This script works without error message and takes line breaks in the comments to Word documents into account!
(I had several such files).

Thanks also for keeping my paths!!
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

Great! :D
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#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »

Can you please check the last script again.
In TC, the folders are suddenly no longer displayed. :shock:
They are also no longer listed in the EV-Results.txt (only files are listed).

I only noticed that now.
Previously I only did a short test with the script and it ran through without errors.
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

Ok, Can you give me the names of absent dirs?
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#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »

Sorry, please wait, now I have to check again.
First (a few hours ago) the folders were not there from different directories, now they are suddenly there again!?
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

I found that dir with names like "0", "00" and so on are absent. check this please. I have corrected this already. I'll upload new version today morning.
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »

Ahh, thanks for the info!
Will test the new script...

I am very sorry to have bothered you again.
The script basically works!

(I have unexpected search results in extremely rare cases
- where I have to repeat the search query several times -,
but that this has to happen now, especially with this topic, annoys me).
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »


Your new version. Your paths and filenames are preserved.

I have tested with 36500 files (some files has comments) and dirs. Should work now. :D

Code: Select all

; Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST
; LOADLIST command and UTF8 file lists
; Send ResultsList to Total Commander
; Build AutoHotkey_L
; Build x64
; Build Kill=true
; Build Zip=false
; Build Run=true

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

; Create / read .ini file settings
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
iniFile := RegExReplace(A_ScriptFullPath, "(ahk|exe)$", "ini")

if not (FileExist(iniFile)) {
    iniContent :="
    ( LTrim
        ; Where to save the output (full path)

        ; The columns 'Name' and 'Path' must be visible in the Everything
        ; window. The first value is the position of the 'Path', the second
        ; value is the position of the 'Name' column
        ; Default: 2,1
    FileAppend, % iniContent, % iniFile, UTF-16

IniRead, DestinationFile,           % iniFile, General, DestinationFile,           % A_Temp "\~EV-Results.txt"
IniRead, EverythingColumnPositions, % iniFile, General, EverythingColumnPositions, 2`,1
IniRead, AddEndSlash, % iniFile, General, AddEndSlash, 1

DestinationFile           := ResolveEnvVars(DestinationFile)
EverythingColumnPositions := StrReplace(EverythingColumnPositions, " ")

; Force default value if none is given (or path doesn't exist)
SplitPath, DestinationFile, , dstPath
if (DestinationFile = "" || !InStr(FileExist(dstPath), "D")) {
    DestinationFile := "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\EV-Results.txt"
;   DestinationFile := A_Temp "~EV-Results.txt" ... in an earlier script! ... analogous to line 40 in the current script (modified).
;   DestinationFile := A_Temp "~EV-Results.txt" ... in einem fruheren Skript! ... analog zu Zeile 40 im aktuellen Skript (modifiziert).
if (EverythingColumnPositions = "" || !InStr(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")) {
    EverythingColumnPositions := "2,1"
;OutputDebug, % "DestinationFile: " DestinationFile

columnArray := StrSplit(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")

;hWnd := WinExist("im).*?Everything ahk_class EVERYTHING")
hWnd := WinExist("ahk_exe Everything(?:\d\d)*\.exe")

if hWnd
  ControlGet, winContent, List, , SysListView321, % "ahk_id" hWnd

  if (winContent)
    fullContent := ""
;   Loop over row(s)
    Loop, Parse, winContent, `n
      rowID := A_Index
      path  := ""
      name  := ""
      full  := ""
      Bad := 2
;     Loop over column(s)
      Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % A_Tab
        colID   := A_Index
        content := A_LoopField
        If (colID > columnArray[1] And colID > columnArray[2])
          If (colID == columnArray[1])
            If !RegExMatch(content,"i)^[a-z]:")
            path := content
            Bad -= 1
            If !RegExMatch(path,"\\$")
              path := path . "\"
          Else if (colID == columnArray[2])
            If content is Space
            name := content
            Bad -= 1
      If (Bad == 0)
        full        := path . name
        If InStr(FileExist(full), "D")
          if (AddEndSlash == 1)
            if !RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := full . "\"
            If RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := SubStr(full,1,StrLen(full)-1)
        fullContent .= full "`n"
    fullContent := RegExReplace(fullContent,"\R$","")
    If (FileExist(DestinationFile))
      FileDelete, % DestinationFile

        FileAppend, % fullContent, % DestinationFile, UTF-16
	run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /T /S D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;       run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /R=D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;       run "C:\Program Files\Total Commander\TotalCmd64.exe" /O /R=g:\System\Temp

        run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -instance "PRIVATE" -close
;	run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -close    	--> see also line 151!
;   Empty search result
      Msgbox, 16,, Search result is Empty, Nothing to do ...
; No Everything window visible
} Else {
    Msgbox, 16, Fatal error, Everything window does not exist!
;run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -close		--> see also line 140!
SetTitleMatchMode, 1

; ==================================
; = GOTO: FUNCTIONS - ResolveEnvVars
; ==================================
ResolveEnvVars(str) {
    if sz := DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
        VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz * 2 : sz)
        if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
            return dst
    return str
Last edited by Ovg on 2021-10-16, 08:24 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *tuska »


Fits me perfectly :) with 44 470 objects (23061 file, 3585 directories) and further tests (e.g. folders with zeros, comments)!
(Unfortunately I always forget to show the hidden files before the search query - cm_SwitchHidSys).

Can you please use this script in the future?
I have marked for myself where I have to make changes to personal settings in the script if necessary.
Script - 2021-10-16_0905.AHK

Code: Select all

; Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST
; LOADLIST command and UTF8 file lists
; Send ResultsList to Total Commander
; Build AutoHotkey_L
; Build x64
; Build Kill=true
; Build Zip=false
; Build Run=true

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

; Create / read .ini file settings
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
iniFile := RegExReplace(A_ScriptFullPath, "(ahk|exe)$", "ini")

if not (FileExist(iniFile)) {
    iniContent :="
    ( LTrim
        ; **************************************************************************************************
        ; Where to save the output (full path)
        ; **************************************************************************************************

        ; The columns 'Name' and 'Path' must be visible in the Everything
        ; window. The first value is the position of the 'Path', the second
        ; value is the position of the 'Name' column
        ; Default: 2,1
;       *****************************
;       *****************************
    FileAppend, % iniContent, % iniFile, UTF-16
;                                                                                             ***************
IniRead, DestinationFile,           % iniFile, General, DestinationFile,           % A_Temp "\~EV-Results.txt"
;                                                                                             ***************
IniRead, EverythingColumnPositions, % iniFile, General, EverythingColumnPositions, 2`,1
IniRead, AddEndSlash, % iniFile, General, AddEndSlash, 1

DestinationFile           := ResolveEnvVars(DestinationFile)
EverythingColumnPositions := StrReplace(EverythingColumnPositions, " ")

; Force default value if none is given (or path doesn't exist)
SplitPath, DestinationFile, , dstPath
if (DestinationFile = "" || !InStr(FileExist(dstPath), "D")) {
;                       ************************************************************************************
    DestinationFile := "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\EV-Results.txt"
;                       ************************************************************************************
if (EverythingColumnPositions = "" || !InStr(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")) {
    EverythingColumnPositions := "2,1"
;OutputDebug, % "DestinationFile: " DestinationFile

columnArray := StrSplit(EverythingColumnPositions, ",")

;hWnd := WinExist("im).*?Everything ahk_class EVERYTHING")
hWnd := WinExist("ahk_exe Everything(?:\d\d)*\.exe")

if hWnd
  ControlGet, winContent, List, , SysListView321, % "ahk_id" hWnd

  if (winContent)
    fullContent := ""
;   Loop over row(s)
    Loop, Parse, winContent, `n
      rowID := A_Index
      path  := ""
      name  := ""
      full  := ""
      Bad := 2
;     Loop over column(s)
      Loop, Parse, A_LoopField, % A_Tab
        colID   := A_Index
        content := A_LoopField
        If (colID > columnArray[1] And colID > columnArray[2])
          If (colID == columnArray[1])
            If !RegExMatch(content,"i)^[a-z]:")
            path := content
            Bad -= 1
            If !RegExMatch(path,"\\$")
              path := path . "\"
          Else if (colID == columnArray[2])
            If content is Space
            name := content
            Bad -= 1
      If (Bad == 0)
        full        := path . name
        If InStr(FileExist(full), "D")
          if (AddEndSlash == 1)
            if !RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := full . "\"
            If RegExMatch(full,"\\$")
              full := SubStr(full,1,StrLen(full)-1)
        fullContent .= full "`n"
    fullContent := RegExReplace(fullContent,"\R$","")
    If (FileExist(DestinationFile))
      FileDelete, % DestinationFile

        FileAppend, % fullContent, % DestinationFile, UTF-16
;            **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
	run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /T /S D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;            **********************************************************************************************************************************************************
;       run "D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\TOTALCMD64.EXE" /O /R=D:\Daten\Programme\TotalCommander\TCD_USB-Stick\TC32-64USB\EV-Results\
;       run "C:\Program Files\Total Commander\TotalCmd64.exe" /O /R=g:\System\Temp

;           *****************************************************************
        run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -instance "PRIVATE" -close
;           *****************************************************************
;	run "C:\Tools\Everything\Everything64.exe" -close
;   Empty search result
      Msgbox, 16,, Search result is Empty, Nothing to do ...
; No Everything window visible
} Else {
    Msgbox, 16, Fatal error, Everything window does not exist!
SetTitleMatchMode, 1

; ==================================
; = GOTO: FUNCTIONS - ResolveEnvVars
; ==================================
ResolveEnvVars(str) {
    if sz := DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
        VarSetCapacity(dst, A_IsUnicode ? sz * 2 : sz)
        if DllCall("ExpandEnvironmentStrings", "uint", &str, "str", dst, "uint", sz)
            return dst
    return str
Thank you very much!

I also tested yesterday's search queries.
Today there were no more unexpected results.
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »

Ок, got it!
It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.
#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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Re: Open Everything GUI results with TC LOADLIST

Post by *Ovg »


One note: Now script ignores the root directory of any drive (c:\, d:\, e:\ and so on), they will not be listed, I'll correct this later.
It's impossible to lead us astray for we don't care even to choose the way.
#259941, TC 11.01 x64, Windows 7 SP1 x64
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