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Do you want additional styles in the forum?

Posted: 2003-02-12, 16:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
The phpbb forum software supports many different styles, also called templates. You can test some of them here:

These styles can be installed all at the same time in addition to the current default style, and the user can choose which one to use! However, I cannot install all of them because it would be too much work - I would have to apply all patches/modifications to all templates.

Therefore I will add only the most requested styles. In a first step, I just want to know if there is any interest in alternative styles, and a list of which styles you like. In a second step, I can then add a vote for the most requested styles.

Please keep in mind that some of these styles may look cool, but may make reading the forum a pain...

Posted: 2003-02-12, 17:58 UTC
by fabiochelly
I think it's perfect like it is actually.
It's better to spend your time on TC :P

Posted: 2003-02-12, 23:33 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Don't worry, I don't spend more than a few minutes a day on the forum itself. I spend much more time on writing answers here. :)

However, I did get some complaints from people who preferred the old forum look, so I want to give them an alternative. So if you want a different style, let me know! You can also suggest them by e-mail if you don't want to post here.

Posted: 2003-02-13, 00:47 UTC
by bago
What was the name of the previous style? (I never seen the old forum)

Posted: 2003-02-13, 11:39 UTC
by Hacker
I'd prefer Cobalt or blueGray. Anyone with me?

The old forum wasn't based on this forum software, so there is no style that looks like the old forum.


Posted: 2003-02-13, 11:44 UTC
by Tsunulukai
I love Chronicles !

But are the themes really important ?

Posted: 2003-02-13, 11:49 UTC
by Maxwish
IMHO [Black Dog :)]
the old forum lovers just need some getting use to the new look. After a few weeks, they won't even remember the old style. Is it worth making a fault in the modifications and possibly crashing the board for ?

It's just like the EURO. We all complain, but when I see some old Dutch coins now, I can't imagine using them in the shops. It would feel like I was using fake money.

Posted: 2003-02-13, 13:01 UTC
by Hacker
are the themes really important ?

Some of them put less strain on the eyes than others.


Posted: 2003-02-13, 13:37 UTC
by fabiochelly
Personally, I think that the look of the new forum is very very very very much more smart-beautiful-nice than the old one

Posted: 2003-02-13, 21:00 UTC
by pdavit
Although I’m quite happy with the forum as it is now I think that the Cobalt template has a better contrast for text reading so it will be more relaxing and pleasant to go through.

Posted: 2003-02-15, 06:14 UTC
by Aezay
I think u should add a couple of styles, just so u have a choice. Maybe u should add the "phpBBvB2" style, that way, we can make the forum look like the old one :D.
If adding a new style to the forum is no problem, I think u should.

Posted: 2003-02-16, 13:09 UTC
by deus-ex
i think, a poll will do the trick 8)

my favorite is smartblue, 'cause the contrast of the colors makes it very readable.
but then again, so is the current forum. i would'nt go for a too dark one, though.

as long, as i can choose among a few, it's ok with me :D

Posted: 2003-02-16, 16:32 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I have now added the following two styles to the forum:

- Cobalt
- phpbbvb2

These two were requested multiple times (by e-mail and here in this forum).

The second one looks almost like the previous forum, but unfortunately it has yellow buttons. I assume that the writer of the style changed the buttons to avoid copyright conflicts with the makers of vbulletin.

I will add a poll with all styles, so you can vote for additional styles!

Posted: 2003-02-16, 19:13 UTC
by pdavit
…and in order to inform some users, the change can be done from within your Profile parameters in the Preferences section, poll-down menu Board Style.

Posted: 2007-09-15, 23:26 UTC
by PeaceMaker
Will there be some other phpBB styles?