Copy Outlook Express messages (drag/drop)

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Copy Outlook Express messages (drag/drop)

Post by *tcebob »

XP Pro, OE 6.

In Windows Explorer it is possible to drag a group of messages from OE to a subdirectory, where they will appear with their original date. In addition, messages with the same header will be renamed to include a number, "Re: To Bob (4)." This system is not perfect because a future copy of the same header to the same location wil start with (1) again, despite the presence of others, and an Overwrite dialog will commence. Nevertheless, it is a great convenience for those who store all correspondance for a project or friend in a specific location.

It doesn't appear that TC has that facility right now; all copies update to the current date and time. If that is so I really hope that it can be included in the near future.

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