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[REQ] Execute commands directly from within command browser

Posted: 2006-11-28, 12:44 UTC
by StickyNomad

This post brought one of my suggestions from the alpha test into my mind again:

In about 95% of all cases I open the cmdBrowser "standalone" using 'cm_CommandBrowser', I want to find and execute more seldomly used commands I have no button, menu entry etc. for. I make use of this many times a day, but currently I always have to copy the command to the command line first, which is quite annoying for me (3 additional keypresses: open command line, paste command, press enter). This consumes quite some time overall because I use this feature quite often.

During the alpha test, I suggested to use e.g. CTRL+ENTER for executing a command, but you mentioned the possible problems with commands reacting to modifier keys like CTRL, SHIFT, etc., which is indeed a problem.

But what about other hotkeys? I noticed that e.g. (except for 'F1'), all function keys don't do anything in the command browser. This makes 11 possible hotkeys for executiong a command :wink: Wouldn't that be feasible somehow?

This way I could start 'cm_commandBrowser' (I use CTRL+ALT+C for this), quickfind the required command and then press e.g. 'F12' to execute it instantly. This hotkey could be deactivated when the command browser is invoked through a config dialog, as in these cases it doesn't make sense to execute a command.

Don't you agree this would be useful and a comfortable and really fast way to execute commands? Especially as there is no auto-complete for cm-commands in the command line, this would really be a great and unobtrousive addition IMO.

What do others think?

Re: [REQ] Execute commands directly from within command brow

Posted: 2006-11-28, 13:26 UTC
by nsp

to have a cm_ExecFromCmdBrow you can asign to any key
to have [Run Button] inside the CommandBrowser...
to have cm and em completion in the command line

Posted: 2006-11-28, 13:30 UTC
by jjk

Posted: 2006-11-28, 13:33 UTC
by Stitscher
Support. +
A hotkey (without AHK ;) ) to execute a command within the commanbrowser would be great.


Posted: 2008-03-21, 19:38 UTC
by Raymond
Yeah, I'm about to suggest exactly the same, then I found this thread, which was about one and a half year ago.
Now all I have to do is up it.
Pls consider it.

Re: [REQ] Execute commands directly from within command browser

Posted: 2024-01-28, 07:34 UTC
by valuex