New SFTP plugin available now

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Post by *Mikefield »

1st, green lock shows, that the connection is still alive. If you doubleclick it, you will enter the server without new connect

2nd, please have a look in this thread, you will find the answer from Christian Ghisler

3rd, if you use 1st in correct way, then you need to press only once

I've made the same errors as you, but Christian Ghisler explained in this thread how to use it correctly. :)

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Post by *rolandd »

Was going to say I am so happy with this plugin :) Still am and think it is a great plugin to have but experienced a rather unpleasant behavior.

Here is what happened:
1. Connect to VPN at work
2. Login with plugin to server
3. Start copying a file
4. Internet connection breaks thus ending the VPN
5. TC hangs at 100% CPU
6. Reconnect the VPN, TC still hangs

Killed TC via Taskmanager.
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Bugs in v0.5 beta

Post by *Matzix »


first of all, I have to say, that I'm very impressed and pleased about this plugin. It's much better than the old secure FTP plugin. However, I've just detected one bug: I had a html-file, which was shortened in the middle and uploaded to the server replacing the old version. Unexpectedly, the file size on the server did not change and the end of that file appeared twice. So, if the original file consisted of 3 lines
and the new one only has the lines
then the file on the server will have

Another thing is, that comparing folders by content does not work. The marked settings in TC are "include subfolders", "compare by content", "ignore time/date". After comparing, a lot of files are marked with a question mark in between, but if "compare left&right ctrl+F3" is chosen one gets the message, that the two files are identical.

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Post by *Mikefield »

@rollandd, can confirm your findings, but with 39 til 52% not 100%.

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Post by *TWatcher »

Hello, many thanks for this new plugin, I like it, it is fast and works well.

I do have two questions:
(1) With the old sftp-plugin there was an option to use also the sessions which were stored by putty. Is there any plan to implement a similar function for the new plugin? This would be helpful. I could also imagine an "import" function which imports the existing putty sessions into the sftp-plugin's ini file. I think putty stores its data somewhere in the registry ...
(2) Is it possible to copy files directly from one sftp-connection (e.g. left panel) to another sftp-connection (e.g right panel)? It seems this does not work, or do I something wrong?
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Post by *Mikefield »

(1) Hmm, the old one used parts from putty, the new one uses sshlib library.
It should not be easy to do this, but not impossible.
I've checked also to import the old connections in the new plugin, but for me,
it was easier to add the 40 connections manually, so I was able to clean them up. :)

(2) Can confirm, but needs the answer from Christian, don't know if it is possible.

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Post by *rolandd »

Something else I found:

When I upload a text file (php) to the server, for some reason some text is appended to the end of the file when I choose to overwrite it. Deleting the file on the server first and then uploading it, the file is ok.
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Post by *Matzix »

Hello Roland,

might it be, that you have the same problem I do have? That "appended" text could be the end of the file contents of the overwritten file on the server.

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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Beta 0.6 is available now in the first message of this thread! Please update! Here is the list of additions and fixes:

- Try to auto-detect servers with UTF-8 encoding by checking variables $LC_ALL $LC_CTYPE $LANG, and sending the command 'locale'
- Uploads: When overwriting a file and the new file is smaller, rests of the old file will remain appended (the file size didn't change)
- Remote copy of files (by sending "cp" command) with Shift+F5, or F5 with same server in both panels
- French translation by forum users Clo and Vansumsen added

The green lock icon remains green even when the connection is closed, using the Disconnect button. Becomes again gray only after a closing and reopening TC.
Unfortunately this is a limitation of Total Commander, not the plugin: If you press disconnect while NOT within a path of the connection, TC doesn't refresh the icon list. It's only refreshed when you change directories within the plugin.
if you use a starting path (in the configuration dialog), it's impossible to go into the parent folders, even if you have rights. When you press enter in the .. returns to the plugin's root.
This is a limitation of the plugin interface, which uses absolute paths. I don't see any way to go above the plugin root, do you see any?
A minor comment, to disconnect you have to press twice the Disconnect button.
Only when in the list of connections, not when within the connection you want to close.
Here is what happened:
1. Connect to VPN at work
2. Login with plugin to server
3. Start copying a file
4. Internet connection breaks thus ending the VPN
5. TC hangs at 100% CPU
6. Reconnect the VPN, TC still hangs
You can abort transfers with the "Cancel" button, and most other operations (also transfers in some cases) with the ESC key.
I had a html-file, which was shortened in the middle and uploaded to the server replacing the old version. Unexpectedly, the file size on the server did not change and the end of that file appeared twice.
Thanks for finding that! Indeed the "open file" function seems to work differently than on Windows - setting the "create" flag doesn't truncate the file, it just opens it for writing. It seems that I have to set the "truncate" flag, then the target is set to 0 size at the beginning.
comparing folders by content does not work
I'm sorry but this isn't currently supported by TC for file system plugins (also not for normal ftp).
With the old sftp-plugin there was an option to use also the sessions which were stored by putty. Is there any plan to implement a similar function for the new plugin?
Currently I don't see a way to do this because the new plugin is no longer based on Putty, sorry.
Is it possible to copy files directly from one sftp-connection (e.g. left panel) to another sftp-connection (e.g right panel)?
No, sorry - the plugin would have to download the file and then re-upload it, which would be very inefficient and slow. Beta 0.6 now supports to copy files within a server, though, by sending the "cp" command directly as a shell command.
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Post by *Mikefield »

ghisler(Author) wrote: This is a limitation of the plugin interface, which uses absolute paths. I don't see any way to go above the plugin root, do you see any?
With the old plugin it's possible. This is why the user ask for it.
You can abort transfers with the "Cancel" button, and most other operations (also transfers in some cases) with the ESC key.

But the "Cancel" doesn't bring Total Commander back to live. When the VPN connection brokes
there is no way to cancel the transfer.

Still missing: The quick connections is not in front of the Server list.

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Post by *pdavit »

Quick question. Does this plug-in support FXP? If not are there any future plans?

In my company there is a need some times for FTP to SFTP coping.

I guess this doesn't totally depend on this plug-in but TC itself plays a role, right?
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Post by *Flint »

A very nice plugin, comparing to the old version! Thank you very much, Christian!

I tested version 0.6 and have some comments:

1. The File Properties dialog is shown in German here. In Resource Hacker I can see that its English version has language ID 2055 instead of 1033.

2. I confirm the rolandd's report about hanging after connection was dropped. Possibility to cancel panel refreshing is of use here, but if the connection was broken during file transfer the Cancel button does not work, TC just hangs in several seconds, no matter whether I pressed Cancel or not.

3. Request: It would be more logical for the users if pressing Disconnect while in plugin's root directory terminated all currently active connections instead of just closing the plugin panel.

4. Connections to one of the computers I tested SFTP with are not closed by TC when I disconnect: in my firewall I can see that the connection is still there; if I connect to the same server, a new connection is established, and it also remains active after disconnecting. It could be just some misconfiguration of the server. What can I do to check that? The server OS is SUSE Enterprise Linux 10 SP1.

5. A little interface usability glitch: when I see F7=new connection.txt it looks for me like a button F7 MkDir at the bottom of TC window, and every time I try to double-click this file to create a new connection. :) Well, eventually I'll get used I think, but isn't it better to redesign somehow this idea, so that new users were not misled like myself?
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Post by *Mikefield »

4. Could not confirm. Checked here only with tcpview from sysinternals, but the connection is
closed on the client side.

5. Christian is using the code from his WebDAV plugin, which is working in the same way.
The connections are handled as directories within the plugin. It is the question, should show
the config screen and then you must enter a valid name there for the connection as in ftp?

I don't see any way to go above the plugin root, do you see any?
How connect the plugin to the server when a homedir is used? Did it connect direct in this directory?
It seems that the conection string "" makes that.
The plugin should only connect to the server, and after that, it can swith with the "cd" to the homedir.
Homedir is not Userdir. Normaly I connect to a Server and must then switch to a specific directory.
It is most the same directory: /var/log/ecs/. So I use this as homedir, that I must not enter it manually.
And when the plugin connect to the Server, not to the homedir, in this case it should also possible
to switch to parent directories. That was the reason to suggest
2nd: Please add a line with the homedir / target directory (Configuration)
Hope it helps.

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Post by *franck8244 »

How can I force the plugin to be in english ? (Windows 2k french) ...Do I have to remove all the -french ressource part- ?
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Post by *BashGordon »

ghisler(Author) wrote:Beta 0.6 is available now in the first message of this thread! Please update! Here is the list of additions and fixes:
I can not cd into directories if the directory name contains UTF-8 encoded characters and the connection is set to decode UTF-8 encoded characters (either manually or autodetected) :(

The problem does not occur when the connection is manually set not to decode UTF-8 characters.

I'm not sure whether I have tested this already with older versions of the plugin. Could test this when requested and provided with a download link for the older version.

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