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Sync Dirs - Hide unaffected files

Posted: 2009-06-02, 03:46 UTC
by margolis22
It would be nice to be able to only show files that are going to be synched and hide the non synced files. I sync folders that contain lots of files and it seems very busy and hard to scroll through the list when all of the files are still in the list even though only a handful my be synced. On the show bar, I have Files to copy from Left to Right and Files to copy from Right to left depressed, the other two (equal and unequal files are raised).

Posted: 2009-06-02, 04:16 UTC
by MVV
TC may hide lines with directions ->, =, !=, <- or unique/duplicates. You can hide equal files with this buttons. If you sync a file, it has direction <- or ->.
Do you want to add a button for hiding lines w/o any direction (with empty direction box)? If so, I agree, it may be good.