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Temporary file container

Posted: 2009-06-23, 02:39 UTC
by pcitrus
Drawbacks of Temporary Panel 1.0:
1) You have to navigate to network neighborhood and then select temp panel. It'd be much better to offer a container that can be quickly accessed.
2) This plugin hasn't been updated for 6 years.

Wouldn't it benefit the majority of people to integrate such a function into TC, just like SpeedCommander?

(People who don't use it can leave it off.)

Posted: 2009-06-23, 02:58 UTC
by fenix_productions
This is how filesystem plugins work: you need to go to network neighbourhood to activate and use them. Nothing can be done with it.

As for temporary panels / containers: such functionality had been discussed many times here in the past but not yet implemented, unfortunately. For more info, please, user Search :)

Posted: 2009-06-23, 12:42 UTC
by Postkutscher
If you want to have a quick access to your Temp Panel , you can define a user command em_xyz for cd \\\Temporary Panel and then make an alias or hotkey with it. The simplest way is the DragAndDrop of the plugin to the buttonbar. So you can have a button for it.

Posted: 2009-06-23, 16:15 UTC
by pcitrus
Thank you both for replies.
I still wish that we don't have to rely on a plugin for a commonly used feature.

Posted: 2009-06-23, 16:59 UTC
by MVV
I can agree with users who wish to see temporary panel integrated into TC. Because existing plugins are not comfortable/quick/reliable/old/etc. For example, Temporary Panel 1.0 asks me for every file being deleted - remove it from panel only or from HDD too, and I can't setup it.

Posted: 2009-06-23, 17:22 UTC
Or for quicker access you can add the path to your directory hotlist.