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REQ: tar support

Posted: 2011-11-25, 07:58 UTC
by DRockstar

Just wanted to say thanks so much for doing this for android, I have been using TC for months now, and you've improved a lot of things so far.

I am interested in possible tar support since ClockworkMod started using tar backups as the default backup type for nandroid backups, with no compression. It would be awesome to be able to browse and extract these backups directly from TC.

Is it difficult to implement tar support? I don't know the specifics required, save that there are at least a few different compression methods that can be used for tar files.

Well, thank you for listening, and creating what I think is the best explorer/commander for android!

Posted: 2011-11-25, 14:38 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
A .tar unpacker would be quite easy, a packer more difficult. I will consider it.

Posted: 2011-11-26, 11:07 UTC
by DRockstar
I appreciate the consideratioon! I'd be happy to be able to browse and extract.

Posted: 2011-11-28, 10:43 UTC
by mankokoma
Just UNpacking would be great!

Posted: 2011-11-30, 11:06 UTC
by cmingyan
I think supporting 7z is more useful ~

Posted: 2015-10-07, 21:09 UTC
by B@ron
Do you plan to implementation of functionality in the near future? support * .tat, * .gz, *.bz, *.bz2?

Posted: 2015-10-08, 08:53 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
tar files are quite uncommon on Android, although it's based on Linux. I plan to support 7zip, but I'm worried about the memory requirements: Some 7zip files need a 1 GB buffer for unpacking. That's more RAM than many phones have in total for operating system and apps...

Posted: 2016-03-02, 22:44 UTC
by Black Dog
[face=courier]On 07-10-2015 23:09:32 +0000 B@ron wrote:

B> Do you plan to implementation of functionality in the near
B> future? support * .tat, * .gz, *.bz, *.bz2?


Indeed, filemanager on Linux-based OS w/o .tar support... %)[/face]

Posted: 2016-03-03, 10:38 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No, currently this isn't planned, sorry.

Posted: 2017-07-13, 00:08 UTC
by Giovanni
Is there a solution for creating tar files? Maybe a plugin? The need is to be able to make an archive where file and folder permissions are preserved but unfortunately zip files cannot handle them. Even the ability to send to a script or third party application would be useful. Most modern phones have more than enough processing power for a native solution.

Posted: 2017-07-13, 05:58 UTC
by Stefan2
Giovanni wrote:Is there a solution for creating tar files? Maybe a plugin?
Hi Giovanni,

just an hint, you can take a look at

to find most of the TC Packer Plugins. Search there for your keyword.


Posted: 2017-07-13, 06:05 UTC
by Skif_off
Did you tried ZArchiver?

Posted: 2017-07-13, 21:07 UTC
by Giovanni
2Stefan2: Those are not for the Android version
2Skif_off: Yes but had problems with compression