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User defined colors by file type in Android version?

Posted: 2012-11-29, 02:55 UTC
by davy wong
Does TC for Android have some mechanism to make user defined colors by file types, just like the way in desktop version.

Exactly, to mark the files changed within 2 days in red and those ones changed within 7 days in blue brings quite a convenience to me, I hope TC for Android also has this function.

Or, TC for Android has already done this, I just have no idea how to configure it. Could somebody show me a hand, plz?

Thank you very much.

Posted: 2012-11-29, 13:41 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No, sorry. Android systems are much less powerful than Windows computers, and this feature would be causing quite a slowdown depending on the number of filters and what they are checking.

Posted: 2012-11-30, 08:15 UTC
by davy wong
Really a pity! Is there some workaround to mark newly changes files?

Posted: 2012-11-30, 15:51 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
All you can do is sort by date/time (in descending order).