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Console window upon Ctrl+O

Posted: 2014-10-22, 11:45 UTC
by Alexey Lukin
It would be great to improve the built-in command prompt support by allowing to open the console upon pressing Ctrl+O. Here's an example of how it's been done in Far. The command prompt window in TC has always been separate, but it would be great to integrate it as a built-in console. There used to be some plugins for this functionality, but they now seem to be dead.

Posted: 2014-10-22, 14:03 UTC
by MVV
GUI programs have no console attached, so it isn't easy to attach console to TC. You can bind Ctrl+O to cm_ExecuteDOS command, also you can use Shift+Enter to execute commands in separate console.

Posted: 2014-10-22, 14:15 UTC
by Alexey Lukin
I know that. However when console is separate, you cannot see its output after it has been closed. The point of integrating a console is to be able to switch back to it at any time and see the previous output. Another benefit is integration between TC's command prompt line and the console.

Since TC is not a console app, it will have to emulate the console. Yes, it carries a certain development effort.

Posted: 2014-10-22, 18:17 UTC
by hi5
There used to be a plugin TotalConsole but I don't it works with newer versions of TC - you could experiment with it by installing an OLD TC version (looks like v7) Screenshot here

Posted: 2014-10-22, 21:17 UTC
by Hacker
Alexey Lukin,
However when console is separate, you cannot see its output after it has been closed.
Why not leave it open?


Posted: 2014-10-22, 21:27 UTC
by Alexey Lukin
1. Sometimes it auto-closes, when the console program is run from TC using <Enter> instead of <Shift+Enter>.
2. After using <Shift+Enter>, you cannot use TC's command prompt line to send new commands into the same console or change the current folder of the console.

Posted: 2014-10-25, 07:49 UTC
by nsp
To have TC and console somehow integrated, you can use conEmu an integrate total commander inside !
You can use some command to switch to current TC folder copying current path to clipboard and use cd /D ...

This is not an console inside TC but TC and console inside conEmu ;)

And i'm prety sure you know conEmu as it is the perfect companion of far...