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cm_NewFile without edit

Posted: 2016-06-23, 18:19 UTC
by Xnor
I would love to have a cm_NewFile without the Edit part. Means, just creating a file without opening it.

The reason behind it is, that I wanna be able to open the file with the program I want in that situation and not always with the same one. Depends on what kind of file I am creating and for what I will be using it.

Also sometimes I just don't wanna open it at all. There are a lot of usecases in which I prefer cm_NewFile over anything else and it would be even my standard command for creating files.

Posted: 2016-06-23, 20:22 UTC
by Stefan2
You could create an own user command, like

cmd=%comspec% /c copy nul

and then assign an shortcut to em_NewFile command via Options > misc.

For example
or even origin


Posted: 2016-06-23, 22:24 UTC
by petermad
cm_EditFileMenu actually only creates the file