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Everything Autostart (with TC)

Posted: 2016-06-24, 15:15 UTC
by ZoSTeR
Additionaly to the already suggested Ini entry for Everything search there should be an entry to launch Everything when TC starts, so it has time to update the index.

This would mainly benefit portable installations.

So e.g.:
EverythingTCSearch = "c:\pathto\Everthing.exe -someParameter"
EverythingStartWithTC = "c:\pathto\Everthing.exe -someOtherParameter"

or just
EverythingStartWithTC = true

Posted: 2016-06-24, 15:17 UTC
by Horst.Epp
This can already be done with the TC Autorun content plugin.

Posted: 2016-06-24, 16:17 UTC
by ZoSTeR
Yes, you could use several external/additional methods to achieve this.

But as Everything becomes an integral part of TC, it should natively cover as many use cases as possible (imho).

Posted: 2016-06-29, 20:48 UTC
by Marcello Ptr
I could be wrong, but I agree. Just my two cents opinion.

Posted: 2016-06-29, 20:56 UTC
by Lefteous
I think Windows provides better ways to handle this task. A scheduled tasks have various execution conditions. So you can start it twice a week at night or only when the PC is idle and so on.

There is of course nothing to say against TC creating such a task - but it would be a bonus.