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Make color patches on a tab right-click menu view modes item

Posted: 2016-07-07, 19:10 UTC
by paravion
Dear Christian, please make view modes accesible via the tab right-click menu, possibly with the color patches to make possible quick color marking in cluttered multiple tab arrangements.

Posted: 2016-07-07, 19:52 UTC
by MVV
Latest beta already shows view modes in tab context menu, does't it?

Posted: 2016-07-08, 20:23 UTC
by paravion
It is it! but i want also color patches on the menu

Posted: 2016-07-09, 08:12 UTC
by Lefteous
Color and icon are both candidates to display in these menu items.

Posted: 2016-07-19, 19:47 UTC
by paravion
Is color and icon still candidates?
Is it worst to Name view modes jus "Green" and "Red" ((

Posted: 2016-07-20, 21:35 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I'm considering it, at least the icons.

Posted: 2016-08-28, 20:38 UTC
by paravion
Dear Christian, here I want to say a big thank you for implementing such a useful function!

23.08.16 Added: Show view mode tab colors and icons in current tab context menu (32/64)

But I want also to ask you to make in this menu a selected item not selected with a checkmark, but selected like a pressed icon with the color and icon. This is like you do in the main menus and also a bit strange to see selected "Yellow" mode with the only checkmark.

Here I can see a beautiful implementation of the selection of the view modes in the main menu, but, unfortunately selected mode also not shown and marked with a non-understandable dot ((

It would be great if you make view modes selection in the tab menus like you do these items in main menu - comfortable for the eye and for choosing, with the cozy gradients and full sized icons, but also with selected items marked like a pressed icon !with the color and icon!

Posted: 2016-08-29, 08:40 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
In my tests, the current item wasn't obvious enough this way. Therefore I decided to show the current item with a checkmark instead, since you can already see the icon and color on the current tab.

Posted: 2016-09-02, 19:36 UTC
by paravion
Dear Christian, can you make view modes selection in the tab menus like you do these items in main menu - full sized, with patches with gradients?

Posted: 2016-09-02, 19:52 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
No, unfortunately not - the context menus are not owner drawn, so I have to set the icons as custom checkmark icons. They do support gradients, but only when using Windows themes. When using classic theme, Windows seems to use a reduced set of colors, and doesn't resize the menu items when the icons are larger.