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Find files - option to search in background

Posted: 2016-12-05, 15:16 UTC
by MossMan
I had a quick look to see if this was mentioned before but didn't see it.

I regularly use TC to do a deep search of the network, looking for specific files containing certain keywords. This can take five to ten minutes.

While this is happening - I can't use TC for anything else!

I would like to be able to release the search window and go back to the main TC window so I can still view and run other files while it's searching.

Please add a button "search in background" to appear with the "stop" and "cancel" options during a search...

Posted: 2016-12-05, 15:23 UTC
by MossMan
Never mind... immediately after posting this I discovered the "standalone find files" option mentioned somewhere else (ALT-SHIFT-F7).

Another case where one of the millions of options you didn't know about already does what you want! :-)

Although it would still be useful to have a button to make it standalone *AFTER* you start the search... I often don't expect it to take a long time - but if it's already taken 30 seconds I would like to move on to something else in the mean time.