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Stuck at 100% copying file over FTP or from GDrive

Posted: 2016-12-30, 23:34 UTC
Hi. When I copy a file from ftp server or from GDrive the file gets copied but the progress bar stops at 99 or 100%, leaving out any other files in the queue if any. Pushing Cancel does nothing, have to kill TC.

I'm on Xiaomi Mi4C, MIUI 7.4, Android 5.1.1, Kernel v3.10.49, TC v2.72, plugins downloaded a few days ago from GPlay, so up to date.

Tested another FTP client with my FTP server - works fine.
Any help on this is appreciated. Thanks.

Posted: 2017-01-02, 10:44 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Please try creating a log file:

1. Switch to the internal SD card by going to the
home folder, and then going to "SD-Card"
2. Create a new folder named
including the dot at the beginning (if it doesn't
exist yet)
3. You may need to enable the display of hidden
files in the TC configuration if you cannot see
that folder.
4. Go inside this folder .TotalCommander
5. Create a new file named log.txt by holding
down a finger on the first line (..)
6. Close Total Commander via "X" button and
restart it

Posted: 2017-01-13, 08:38 UTC
Thanks! I'll try it and will get back.

Posted: 2017-02-12, 00:07 UTC

Posted: 2017-02-13, 13:53 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Could you try passive mode instead of active (PORT) mode? Maybe some ports are blocked, then active mode would stop when such a port is used.