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Better button bars managment for multi instance TC

Posted: 2017-03-02, 20:48 UTC
by DrShark
Current situation:
1. When user runs several TC copies and adds buttons in one TC copy, saves settings, then in another running copy adds button on the same place where another button exist in another TC instance, and saves settings again in this second TC copy, button from first copy is killed. And user may not notice this even after closing all TC instances and restarting, because the icon may be from old (killed) button, and the command is from new one (this depends on the order of closing TC copies).
2. If the number of added buttons is different, and last closed TC with saved settings had a button bar with lower number of new buttons, button bar could have a ghost buttons: they exist only in DEFAULT.BAR, but not on the real TC's button bar. This may happen when the buttons added in both TC instances are latest (on right side of button bar), and saving settings in TC with lower number makes changes in BR2 file probably removing icon entries that referenced by DEFAULT.BAR entries, so TC doesn't make those buttons after restart.

To solve 1st issue and avoid buttons loss, I suggest each instance of TC to copy DEFAULT.BAR to DEFAULT<instance#>.BAR and work with it. Only latest TC copy that is closed have to write to DEFAULT.BAR, and if DEFAULT<instance#>.BAR on restart it cuold offer user to add via copying (not replacing!) the new buttons from DEFAULT<instance#>.BAR files to the bar.

To solve 2nd issue, at least for currently existing DEFAULT.BAR files, TC may auto-covert those ghost buttons to real, restoring icons from locations set in DEFAULT.BAR or using invisible icons (by setting icon location to *).