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Execution of commands after restoring TC from tray

Posted: 2017-03-18, 18:43 UTC
by DrShark
I have installed TotalConsole plugin which for some reason hides TC's Command Line. Sometimes it does this from start, but usually after restoring TC from tray.

This post has a details on the situation.

To solve this without changing a plugin by developer (plugin is de-facto abandoned), I suggest to add to TC the possibility to define the commands for execution after restoring it from tray.

Original suggestion (Mar 18, 2017 3:43 pm/GMT-3) was:
Command VisCmdLine restores the TC's Command line, but it's a toggle which means it will restore Command line only if it's hidden, and if it's not hidden the command will hide it.
Because my TC not always goes to tray, I'd like to have a command that will make Command line visible and don't hide it if already visible.
My suggsetion is the additional optional parameters 0 and 1 to cm_VisCmdLine.
cm_VisCmdLine 0 will hide Command line if it is visible now and don't show if hidden.
cm_VisCmdLine 1 will show it if it is hidden now and don't hide if visible.

If it will be implemented, the next thing to solve it is make cm_VisCmdLine 1 executed after each restoring TC from tray...

Posted: 2017-03-18, 18:53 UTC
by Horst.Epp
That should be debugged from the Author of the plugin together with Christian
and not lead to unnecesary new functions just to overcome errrors in plugin.

Posted: 2017-03-18, 19:37 UTC
by DrShark
I made additional checking and in fact TotalConsole is hiding TC's Command line in a way that cm_VisCmdLine is not executed. So to restore the visibility of command line, cm_VisCmdLine should be executed twice (cm_VisCmdLine,cm_VisCmdLine). I'll change the first post because this will change by suggestion.