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crowfunding features + sort folder by size + basic file list

Posted: 2017-05-12, 07:03 UTC
by Michael REMY
hi, (sorry for my poor english expression language, i'm not a natural born one english people)

i have to say, i'm still using tc 8x, so i hope i won't speak about feature already exist in 9x ! i check the new feature and some plugins, and i didn't find my desire.

first one : new wish poll feature system
is is possible to pay for new feature ?
is it possible to have poll system to choose new feature and even better to crownfunding on each one ?
it would be good to have a system where people regroup themselves to order&sort the wish.
i already have a license, but i would nt be bored to pay more to have new feature wheras to wait for the TC realease version 45 !

At least a dedicad forum to speak about that point. i know there is a TC suggestions, but it is became huge and not organized. Something like a buzilla system will be good (but not for bug, for new feature ONLY) ...

second one : sort by folder size
Well when i have a folder with only folder at root, i often need to find and order them by size. so i select each by one and hit the space key and use my eyes to sort them.
An automatic system to do that will be appreciate.
i know it can request a lot of system resources, but not in main cases.
in my dream i wish hope a basic graphic like FolderSize or TreeSize software..... but in a very basic way :
First step : the sort, Second step : a basic graphic (not 1000 kinds of graphic, just one).

third one : simple file list selection BUT without extension part !
well, i'm still wondering myself why am i the only one people who need to have a filelist selections copy to the clipboard but WITHOUT the extension part ! why this little lake in tc 8.x ? it is so easy to code...
so i still use a copy-past to a text editor to remove myself the .extension parts.... : boring, lose of time in process...

fourth one : a free space log system
Here a feature i still search since 20 years !! no software, no freeware, no plugins,no NAS, no Cloud , no operating system does perform that whereas it is so easy and userful.
each day (or each tc openning), for each active listed drive, i wish to know a little stats to inform me the loss of freespace. it will help me to prevent the space requiert ,and to forecast the needed space (like buy new drive, external drive..etc).
i dream about a thing that would tell me in a tooltips : "in 15 day, you will need to extend the space of the drive c:\.
easy to program because you have a log the freespace in a log, and just count and make a little stat compute to determine the last day of the free space.
i saw in the options there is already a log system, so it should be "easy" to extend its feature to add the freespace "analyser" system.

well , that's it, my wishes after more than 17 years of using TC (i think i already have the floppy disk version for windows 3.11...)

have a good day

ps: again, sorry for my poor english expression language, i'm not a natural born one english people)

Posted: 2017-05-12, 07:39 UTC
by MVV
Michael REMY wrote:second one : sort by folder size
Recursive folder size calculation is a long operation. But you can use it already - just sort by custom column from DirSizeCalc plugin.
Michael REMY wrote:simple file list selection BUT without extension part
Why do you need such a strange thing? Where do you use filenames w/o extensions? TC is a file manager, but filenames w/o extensions are incomplete. Anyway, it may be easilly done with a script, you don't need to use a text editor! E.g. with a BAT file (may have problems with special characters though):

Code: Select all

@echo off
if -%1==- echo Parameters: %%WL & pause & goto :EOF
set LIST_FILE=%TEMP%\$list_%random%$
if exist "%LIST_FILE%" del "%LIST_FILE%"
for /f "usebackq delims=" %%f in (`type "%1"`) do echo %%~nf>> "%LIST_FILE%"
type "%LIST_FILE%" | clip
del "%LIST_FILE%"
Michael REMY wrote:fourth one : a free space log system
It is definitely not a TC task, it is a task for a service that will run in background...
Anyway, this requires storing history in program-readable form, but TC writes log only in human-readable text form.

Posted: 2017-05-12, 07:51 UTC
by Lefteous
2Michael REMY
sort by folder size
You can do this using already when using my plugin DirSizeCalc:

I agree that displaying the values in a numerical way inside the filelist would be great. There is a suggestion in the wiki since a long time:

You can do this using my Lister plugin DirSizeCalc Charts:

Posted: 2017-05-12, 08:31 UTC
by Michael REMY
MVV wrote:
Michael REMY wrote:second one : sort by folder size
Recursive folder size calculation is a long operation. But you can use it already - just sort by custom column from DirSizeCalc plugin.

i don't need a always-feature which will requiert all the time the ressources. i only need an on-demand feature "like a button to perform that", a new operation in the macro-command...

Michael REMY wrote:simple file list selection BUT without extension part
Why do you need such a strange thing? Where do you use filenames w/o extensions? TC is a file manager, but filenames w/o extensions are incomplete.
because in many business ways, a files' list is often a list of people, a list of task, a list of picture, a list of project, a list of things, a list of paper scanned..etc.

And each list need to be send to people or include in a texted-email and i don't need the people to know the extension of the files.

Posted: 2017-05-12, 09:51 UTC
by petermad
2Michael REMY
second one : sort by folder size
No need for plugins...

First set this option:
"Configuration" -> "Options..." -> "Display" -> "Sorting directories" -> "Like files (also by time)"

Back in the file list, press Alt+Shift+Enter - TC will now calculate the directory sizes - can take some time.

Now you can sort the directories by size (not just by time)

Here is a button that does it for you:

Code: Select all


Sort by size - ALSO directories

Just copy the green text here above to clipboard (Ctrl+C), then right click on TC's button bar and choose "Paste"

Posted: 2017-05-12, 10:59 UTC
by petermad
third one : simple file list selection BUT without extension part !
Here is a button that does this to selected files:

Code: Select all

(if exist MYFILELIST.TXT del MYFILELIST.TXT)  && for /f "usebackq delims=" %%i in (%UF) do echo %%~ni >> MYFILELIST.TXT
Copy filenames without extension to MYFILELIST.TXT

Just copy the green text here above to clipboard (Ctrl+C), then right click on TC's button bar and choose "Paste"

Posted: 2017-05-12, 20:52 UTC
by HolgerK

Code: Select all

%COMMANDER_PATH%\Addons\Lst2Clip\Lst2Clip.exe /NE
Lst2Clip (No Extension)
