[9.0a] Save Selection in Tree

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

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[9.0a] Save Selection in Tree

Post by *jvh »

How to reproduce:

1. Create test folder with subfolders (or use any existing), e.g.:

Code: Select all

2. Make sure that option Configuration->Option->Display->Always load complete directory tree is UNCHECKED (OldStyleTree=0).

3. Select Show->Tree (Ctrl+F8).

4. Unfold folder Test and select (Ins) subfolders Test1 and Test2.

5. Select Mark->Save Selection To File and save to e.g. TestA.txt
Selection is saved to file as:

Code: Select all

6. Change option Configuration->Option->Display->Always load complete directory tree to CHECKED (OldStyleTree=1)

7. Reload Tree (Ctrl+R).

8. Select (Ins) subfolders Test1 and Test2.

9. Select Mark->Save Selection To File and save to e.g. TestB.txt.
Selection is saved to file as (without drive letter):

Code: Select all

10. Load Selection From File works then with correct tree mode only:
OldStyleTree=0 for paths with saved drive letter
OldStyleTree=1 for paths without drive letter

I don't know if it's intentional but there is different behavior when option OldStyleTree=0 and OldStyleTree=1 is used and it's strange. Saved selections are unusable in different trees.

Selection made through "Copy Names With Path To Clipboard" is unusable with OldStyleTree=1 because it saves paths with drive letter in both types of tree.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Sorry, "Save selection" isn't really made for the tree view - it may or may not work.
Author of Total Commander
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