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Simple improvements in "Compare By Content" tool

Posted: 2017-11-21, 11:42 UTC
by MarcinW
When using "Files" -> "Compare By Content" tool, a text can be searched for, by using F7 key. If the text is found, it gets underlined with a green line.

When working in text mode (in opposite to binary mode), text lines can be longer than width of the window, so they may be partially invisible. If the found text is located outside the screen, it's often hard to find it - a lot of scrolling and observing may be needed, because we even don't know, in which line the found text is located.

So I've got two suggestions - it seems it would be easy to implement them:

1) CBC tool displays line numbers - so, if found text is located in line 123, make the line number (i.e. "123" string) highlighted in some way. This would be a visible indication, in which line we should look for the found text.

2) The found text gets underlined with a green line. It would be easier to find it, if it could be also highlighted in some way, for example with light green background.


Re: Simple improvements in "Compare By Content" to

Posted: 2017-11-30, 19:30 UTC
by wanderer
MarcinW wrote:2) The found text gets underlined with a green line.
MarcinW wrote:1) CBC tool displays line numbers - so, if found text is located in line 123, make the line number (i.e. "123" string) highlighted in some way.
Nice suggestions. A combination of those two might be:

CBC tool displays line numbers - so, if found text is located in line 123...
The line number gets underlined with a green line in addition to underlining the found text.
