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Pack files window: warning/mark if using non-default setting

Posted: 2017-12-07, 11:47 UTC
by leonbloy
I use a lot the "Pack files" feature, and I quite often change the compression level of the packer ("Configure" button), for example choosing zip with little or zero compression if just packing lots of already compressed files into one - or chossing maximum/slow compression for a single huge text file that I must share...

The inconvenience is that this setting is permament, so when days later I compress some files, I might inadvertently use a bad/inintented compression mode, unless I remember to press "Configure" each time, which is not convenient.

Some ways I can thnk to remedy this:

1. In the "Pack files" windows, Packer pane, place some visual signal/mark or message to warn the user that the Packer is set to use a non-default compression level.

2. In the "Pack files" windows, Packer pane, show and let the user change the compression level (rationale: this is not exactly a "configuration" setting, i.e., something that typically does not change, but an option for the particular action instance)

3. In the Configure - Zip compression pane, add some check box for "remember this setting" (or "use this setting only once")

I'd incline to 2, slightly - but I'm not sure if that would clutter the interface, and if it makes sense to show a compression level for all packers.