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copy - autorename copied - editable autosuffix

Posted: 2018-02-23, 12:39 UTC
by oko
There could be an option to user-defined prefix and suffix in suffix of autorenamed files. Number would be always there to avoid duplicites, but before and after number there could be user-defined strings.
Some examples (file.txt is copied with autorename overwrite option):
preferences in tc options (user can edit):
prefix: "("
sufix: ")"
how it works:
result after autorename copied: "file(2).txt"

preferences in tc options (user can edit):
prefix: " ("
sufix: ")"
how it works:
result after autorename copied: "file (2).txt"

preferences in tc options (user can edit):
prefix: " copy"
sufix: ""
how it works:
result after autorename copied: "file copy2.txt"

Re: copy - autorename copied - editable autosuffix

Posted: 2018-12-16, 13:16 UTC
by oko
Since ver. 9.20 there is workaround: wincmd.ini [Configuration] AutoRenameMode=3: Determines how files are auto-renamed when copying or in multi-rename tool. Sum of: 1: append number (x) separated by space, 2: start number at (2), not (1). It is sufficient for me. Thanks to author.