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Compare by content. Save the differences

Posted: 2023-06-03, 23:40 UTC
by Hilda
It would be a good option to be able to save the differences found in the comparison by content as it is shown in the result.

Example: Compare by content.Showing only differences, with extra lines (1)


Save the differences. Output: "Diff.txt"

Different between:
First file: "d:\tc-c\HolaMundoCpp.exe"
Second file: "d:\tc-c\HolaMundoCpp1.exe"

There are 3 differents. Showing only differences, with extra lines [1]
First file ....................... |Second file ....................... |
00000080 | 50 45 00 00 4C 01 11 00 | 00000080 | 50 45 00 00 4C 01 11 00 |
00000088 | 0C BF 7B 64 00 3C 13 00 | 00000088 | 33 BF 7B 64 00 3C 13 00 |
00000090 | 69 47 00 00 E0 00 26 01 | 00000090 | 69 47 00 00 E0 00 26 01 |
000000D0 | 00 D0 13 00 00 06 00 00 | 000000D0 | 00 D0 13 00 00 06 00 00 |
000000D8 | 68 ED 20 00 03 00 40 01 | 000000D8 | F5 B8 20 00 03 00 40 01 |
000000E0 | 00 00 20 00 00 10 00 00 | 000000E0 | 00 00 20 00 00 10 00 00 |
00134028 | 6C 61 4D 75 6E 64 6F 43 | 00134028 | 6C 61 4D 75 6E 64 6F 43 |
00134030 | 70 70 2E 63 70 70 00 00 | 00134030 | 70 70 31 2E 63 70 70 00 |
00134038 | 00 00 00 00 B0 01 00 00 | 00134038 | 00 00 00 00 B0 01 00 00 |

Re: Compare by content. Save the differences

Posted: 2023-06-04, 08:33 UTC
by Horst.Epp
You can add WinMerge as compare tool in the TC config
and use the Patch reports it provides in several styles.

Re: Compare by content. Save the differences

Posted: 2023-06-04, 21:40 UTC
by Hilda
It is just giving the possibility of exporting, without having to use third-party programs