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Find Files form. Make ALT+F3 works for resulted list of founded files!

Posted: 2023-10-04, 09:20 UTC
by AntonyD
Actually the topic is the essence of the issue.
Why ALT+F3 does not work for resulted list of founded files?

As we see - we can call F3 and F4 for any record inside this resulted list of founded files.
BUT - we can call ALT+F3. But this is strange. Obviously, when viewing, it is logical for the user
to take advantage of both viewing options. Which are configured specifically for these two
combinations. And suddenly I can use this ONLY after I dump the entire list onto the file panel.
Very, very strange.

Re: Find Files form. Why ALT+F3 does not work for resulted list of founded files?

Posted: 2023-10-04, 10:27 UTC
by Horst.Epp
It's not strange but the known behavior since ages.
So make a Suggestion.
I solve this and others with Autohotkey

Re: Find Files form. Why ALT+F3 does not work for resulted list of founded files?

Posted: 2023-10-04, 11:35 UTC
by AntonyD
ok, will rephrase: This is "Very, very strange"+"the known behavior" )))
And +Strange that we have to fight with it with Autohotkey and not with help of TC itself...

IF we agree that this is a much more Suggestion rather than simply observation of the problem -
so let move my topic to the that sub-forum, please.

Re: Find Files form. Why ALT+F3 does not work for resulted list of founded files?

Posted: 2023-10-04, 12:35 UTC
by white

Moderator message from: white ยป 2023-10-04, 12:35 UTC

Moved to Suggestions forum.