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Filename and path parameters for editor

Posted: 2024-01-19, 12:38 UTC
by skz169
With the advent of Windows terminal, it became possible to conveniently work with console applications. I like micro text editor and would like to use it in TC. Difficulty is when I simply start editor, tab title in the windows terminal contains full path of application, not edited file name. Windows terminal has a special option for setting the title and I can do this through the start menu item with next command:

Code: Select all

wt new-tab --title "%N (%P)" micro.exe "%N"
Unfortunately, editor on F4 have only one parameter %1. Of course, it is possible to create a custom command and assign a hotkey (even Alt+F4 :-)), but function of re-uploading files to the server is then lost. If these parameters were available when launching the editor it would be very convenient.