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Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-03, 07:20 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Unfortunately after restricting my "cloud" plugin for Windows (thread here), Google is now doing the same to my "drive" plugin for Android. It would cost several 10'000 dollars per year to keep the plugin working as it is now.

Therefore I have decided to use the same approach as with the "cloud" plugin: Users will have to create their own credentials to log in. Currently it's still working with built-in credentials, but it will stop working within the next 30-60 days.

If you are a heavy user of this plugin, or if you have already created your own credentials for the Windows "cloud" plugin, then please test the beta version which supports both the old built-in credentials and the new user-created credentials:

To use the new credentials, open the plugin and click on <Settings & Privacy>. Then click on JSON and pick the JSON file created for the "cloud" plugin for Windows.

Here are the instructions to create your own credentials. It looks like a lot of steps, but they are all very small, so it's not that hard:

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-10, 07:40 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Could someone - anyone - test this please? Time is running out, and I will have to remove the app from the Play Store if I can't update the app.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-10, 08:45 UTC
by Jedi
I tested this test-version following the instruction and it seems to work for me.

I do encounter one tiny issue during the process. The replay here is:
1. Set JSON via <Settings & Privacy>, done.
2. Click my account in Drive plugin...
3. Drive plugin shows messages about "click OK after login in browser"...
4. Bring up browser app and it ask me to login my Google account...
5. Enter my account and password to login...
6. Since I enabled 2-factors login, Google (in browser) ask me to confirm my login via notification...
7. I confirm my login. Now the browser app closed before it can ask me grant permission to Drive plugin. This results that Drive plugin not receiving token at all.

The workaround I took here is:
8. Start my browser app first, login (with 2-factors) into my Google account with
9. Back to Total Commander and Drive plugin, click my account in it.
10. Drive plugin shows messages...bring up browser app... since I already logged in, it shows permission granting screen this time.
11. Grant permission to Drive plugin.
12. Now browser app closed and back to Drive plugin message, click OK.
13. And it works.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-11, 12:20 UTC
by petermad
Works here, without any problems.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-12, 09:27 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Thanks, I can reproduce the problem. It happens because I'm calling Chrome with the parameter FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY. This prevents the login screen from appearing in the task manager (list of previously opened apps). Unfortunately it also seems to prevent Android from returning to the login screen after closing the 2 factor screen. I will therefore remove FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY although it's bad that the user can then return to the login page.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-13, 09:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Here is beta 2, you can install it from an Android web browser without uninstalling the first beta:
I'm posting it here because currently it takes several days to get an app approved in the Play Store.
1. You can now add Google Drive accounts manually by entering mail addresses when a JSON file has been added.
2. Login with 2 factors should work now. You can test this by launching Chrome manually and logging out of your Google account.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-18, 13:15 UTC
by petermad
I'm posting it here because currently it takes several days to get an app approved in the Play Store.
Does that mean that you will not put beta2 in the app store? (it is currently not there now 5 days later)

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-19, 06:34 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
I will not put it there. I will either release the final version directly, or discontinue the plugin in the store.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-19, 11:01 UTC
by petermad
or discontinue the plugin in the store
I hope not

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-20, 10:10 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
My fear is that Google will not approve the new plugin for some reason - maybe that's why it took so long to check.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-20, 12:32 UTC
by petermad
But beta 1 got appoved pretty fast - is there so much difference to beta 2?

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-21, 10:30 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
It took several days.

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-28, 13:10 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
Since I didn't get any feedback to beta 2, I have now again published beta 3 in the Play Store. Strangely it only took a few hours this time to get it approved, while previously it took a few days...

Please test it!

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-28, 15:31 UTC
by petermad
I installed 2.40b3, deleted the JSON credentials, and reinstalled them. Then logged with Google Chrome with no problems (just as previously)

Re: Warning: Google Drive access will soon only be possible via own client id

Posted: 2024-05-29, 02:56 UTC
by Jedi
2.40b3 works for me. Tested both "system" and "manual" accounts (using same google account) without problem.

BTW, are all accounts share the same JSON file? What should I do to prepare JSON if I'd like to use different google accounts (with customized domains) too?