Quicksearch missfeature with "multichar" keys

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Quicksearch missfeature with "multichar" keys

Post by *Unjoanqualsevol »

Hi, all.

In this post, "multichar" key will be a key of keyboard layout where if you press it, then two or more chars are "typed". I'm not talking about composed chars, as ñ=" ~+n", é="´+e", ü="¨+u".

I don't know if such multichar keys exists on any standard keyborard layout, but they are allowed by Microsoft and they can exists.

My new currently custom keyboard layout. Made with http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/tools/msklc.mspx

It's based on Spanish keyboard layout and I've defined only one multichar key, AltGr+L as "l·l" (L+Shift+3+L, with a Spanish keyboard layout).
Then, when I press LeftCtrl+LeftAlt+L, or AltGr+L, I have "l·l" (three ANSI chars). That's for type quickly in Catalan.

All works fine here, but not Quicksearch from TC.

In my case, a directory with files:


Quicksearch with Ctrl+Alt, or AltGr, it's the same. I usually have this setting.

I can't quicksearch for "l", well I supose it's correct, but also I can't quicksearch for "l·l", I supose it's not correct.
If I type Ctr+Alt+L, then TC shows puts the cursor on the first file with "l", the Quicksearch dialog losts the focus (dissapears) and then TC types "·l" on the command line! (without quotes)

If I quicksearch for "ce" OK
If I quicksearch for "cel" OK
If I quicksearch for "cel·" OK ("·" typed with Shift+3)

If I quicksearch for "ce" and press AltGr+L, then WRONG. TC shows "cell" on quicksearch dialog and searches for cell, not for cel·l (neither for cel)!

Quicksearch with direct letters search, with dialog. For info.

Now I can quicksearch for "l", just I type "l".
If I type Ctr+Alt+L, then TC shows puts the cursor on the first file with "l", the Quicksearch dialog losts the focus (dissapears) but now TC doesn't type nothing on the command line!

If I quicksearch for "ce" OK.
If I quicksearch for "cel" OK.
If I quicksearch for "cel·" OK ("·" typed with Shift+3)

If I quicksearch for "ce" and press AltGr+L, then WRONG. TC shows "cell" on quicksearch dialog and searches for cell, not for cel·l (neither for cel)!

I think the correct aproach should be Quicksearch catch only the first char of multichar keys and ignores the others.

Well, I can live with current behavior, but It's weird, that's all.

Yours, Unjoanqualsevol.
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