AutoHotkey: Show elapsed / remaining / total / start / finish times in title bar of progress dialogs

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This script was inspired by an AutoIt script made by user van Dusen. All credit for the original idea goes to him. The script is activated by pressing Shift when a progress dialog window is active in TC.


; The options for the title of windows with one progress bar are:
; Elapsed time:                      %ElapsedTimeString1%
; Elapsed time with hours shown:     %ElapsedTimeStringHours1%
; Remaining time:                    %RemainingTimeString1%
; Remaining time with hours shown:   %RemainingTimeStringHours1%
; Total time:                        %TotalTimeString1%
; Total time with hours shown:       %TotalTimeStringHours1%
; Time when process started:         %StartTimeString1%
; Time when process will finish:     %EndTimeString1%
; Example:
; OneProgressBarWindowTitle = Remaining time: %RemainingTimeString1% (%EndTimeString1%)

OneProgressBarWindowTitle = Remaining time: %RemainingTimeString1% (%EndTimeString1%)

; The options for the title of windows with two progress bars are:
; - First progress bar:
; Elapsed time:                      %ElapsedTimeString1%
; Elapsed time with hours shown:     %ElapsedTimeStringHours1%
; Remaining time:                    %RemainingTimeString1%
; Remaining time with hours shown:   %RemainingTimeStringHours1%
; Total time:                        %TotalTimeString1%
; Total time with hours shown:       %TotalTimeStringHours1%
; Time when process started:         %StartTimeString1%
; Time when process will finish:     %EndTimeString1%
; - Second progress bar:
; Elapsed time:                      %ElapsedTimeString2%
; Elapsed time with hours shown:     %ElapsedTimeStringHours2%
; Remaining time:                    %RemainingTimeString2%
; Remaining time with hours shown:   %RemainingTimeStringHours2%
; Total time:                        %TotalTimeString2%
; Total time with hours shown:       %TotalTimeStringHours2%
; Time when process started:         %StartTimeString2%
; Time when process will finish:     %EndTimeString2%
; Example:
; TwoProgressBarsWindowTitle = Current left: %RemainingTimeString1% Total left: %RemainingTimeString2% (%EndTimeString2%)

TwoProgressBarsWindowTitle = Current left: %RemainingTimeString1% Total left: %RemainingTimeString2% (%EndTimeString2%)


; Activate by pressing the Shift key
	; If we weren't called from a TC progress dialog then exit
	IfWinNotActive, ahk_class TDLG2FILEACTIONMIN

	; Get the ID of the progress window for later use
	WinGet, WindowID

	; Set absolute coordinate mode so we can use PixelSearch even when the window is inactive
	CoordMode, Pixel, Screen

	; Get the progress bar color from registry
	RegRead, HilightColor, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Colors, Hilight
	If ErrorLevel
	    MsgBox, Error trying to read registry value HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Colors\Hilight
	StringSplit, RGB, HilightColor, %A_Space%
	ProgressBarColor := (RGB1 << 16) + (RGB2 << 8) + (RGB3)
	; Init variables
	Percent1 = 0
	LastPercent1 = 0

	Percent2 = 0
	LastPercent2 = 0

	; We will loop as long as the progress window exists
		IfWinExist, ahk_id %WindowID%
			; Find window and get coordinates of first progress bar
			WinGetPos, WinPosX, WinPosY, , , ahk_id %WindowID%
			ControlGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, TPercentPanel1, ahk_id %WindowID%
			LeftX := WinPosX + X + 1
			RightX := LeftX + Width - 2
			Y := WinPosY + Y + 1

			;Get progress bar position
			PixelSearch, PosX, PosY, RightX, Y, LeftX, Y, %ProgressBarColor%, , RGB

			; If Time1 has already been set, then set LastTime to its value before we
			; assign the current time to Time1
			IfNotEqual, Time1,
				LastTime1 = %Time1%

			; Assign current time to Time1
			Time1 = %A_Now%

			; In case we didn't find the progress bar, there are two possibilities:
			; - it wasn't painted yet (0%), or
			; - it is behind some other window
			; We cannot distinguish between these two cases (at least I don't know of any
			; easy way how, except perhaps enumerating the positions of all other
			; windows, and somehow getting their Z position), so we check if there is
			; already some info shown for ElapsedTime and RemainingTime (we do this by
			; checking if LastTime was assigned a value already) and we increase
			; ElapsedTime and decrease RemainingTime by one second each second
			If (ErrorLevel <> 0) AND (LastTime1 <> "")
			    IfNotEqual, ElapsedTime1,
					Diff = %Time1%
					EnvSub, Diff, %LastTime1%, Seconds
					ElapsedTime1 := ElapsedTime1 + Diff
					Hours := ElapsedTime1 // 3600
					Minutes := Mod(ElapsedTime1, 3600) // 60
					MinutesOnly := ElapsedTime1 // 60
					Seconds := Mod(ElapsedTime1, 60)
					If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
					    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
					If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
					    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
					ElapsedTimeString1 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
					ElapsedTimeStringHours1 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

					; Set variable so we know we have something to update later
					; on
					Update1 = 1

			    IfNotEqual, RemainingTime1,
					Diff = %Time1%
					EnvSub, Diff, %LastTime1%, Seconds
			        RemainingTime1 := RemainingTime1 - Diff
					Hours := RemainingTime1 // 3600
					Minutes := Mod(RemainingTime1, 3600) // 60
					MinutesOnly := RemainingTime1 // 60
					Seconds := Mod(RemainingTime1, 60)
					If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
					    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
					If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
					    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
					RemainingTimeString1 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
					RemainingTimeStringHours1 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

					; Set variable so we know we have something to update later
					; on
					Update1 = 1

			; If we could determine the position of the progress bar, let's do the whole
			; stuff
			IfEqual, ErrorLevel, 0
				; Get the percent value, one percent is four pixels
				Percent1 := (PosX - 27 - WinPosX) // 4

				; If FirstPercent and FirstTime have not been set yet, assign current
				; values to them, so we know when we started measuring (timewise and
				; percentwise)
				IfEqual, FirstPercent1,
				    FirstPercent1 = %Percent1%

				IfEqual, FirstTime1,
			    	FirstTime1 = %Time1%

				; If Percent value has decreased, the progress bar shows progress for
				; another file, so we reset FirstPercent and FirstTime to current
				; Percent and Time
				IfLess, Percent1, %LastPercent1%
					FirstPercent1 = %Percent1%
					FirstTime1 = %Time1%

				; Save the current Percent value to LastPercent, so we can compare
				; them in the next loop (see above)
				LastPercent1 = %Percent1%

				; Main calculations
				SinceFirstTime := Time1
				EnvSub, SinceFirstTime, %FirstTime1%, Seconds
				SinceFirstPercent := Percent1 - FirstPercent1

				TotalTime := Round((SinceFirstTime * 100) / (SinceFirstPercent))
				Hours := TotalTime // 3600
				Minutes := Mod(TotalTime, 3600) // 60
				MinutesOnly := TotalTime // 60
				Seconds := Mod(TotalTime, 60)
				If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
				    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
				If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
				    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
				TotalTimeString1 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
				TotalTimeStringHours1 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

				ElapsedTime1 := Round((SinceFirstTime * Percent1) / (SinceFirstPercent))
				Hours := ElapsedTime1 // 3600
				Minutes := Mod(ElapsedTime1, 3600) // 60
				MinutesOnly := ElapsedTime1 // 60
				Seconds := Mod(ElapsedTime1, 60)
				If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
				    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
				If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
				    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
				ElapsedTimeString1 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
				ElapsedTimeStringHours1 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

				RemainingTime1 := Round((SinceFirstTime * (100 - Percent1)) / SinceFirstPercent)
				Hours := RemainingTime1 // 3600
				Minutes := Mod(RemainingTime1, 3600) // 60
				MinutesOnly := RemainingTime1 // 60
				Seconds := Mod(RemainingTime1, 60)
				If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
				    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
				If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
				    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
				RemainingTimeString1 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
				RemainingTimeStringHours1 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

				StartTime = %Time1%
				EnvAdd, StartTime, -%ElapsedTime1%, Seconds
				FormatTime, StartTimeString1, %StartTime%, HH:mm:ss

				EndTime = %Time1%
				EnvAdd, EndTime, %RemainingTime1%, Seconds
				FormatTime, EndTimeString1, %EndTime%, HH:mm:ss
				Update1 = 1

			; Check if there is a second progress bar
			; If yes, perform same operations as for the first one (see above)
			ControlGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, TPercentPanel2, ahk_id %WindowID%
			IfNotEqual, X,
				ProgressBars = 2

				; Find window and get coordinates of first progress bar
				WinGetPos, WinPosX, WinPosY, , , ahk_id %WindowID%
				ControlGetPos, X, Y, Width, Height, TPercentPanel2, ahk_id %WindowID%
				LeftX := WinPosX + X + 1
				RightX := LeftX + Width - 2
				Y := WinPosY + Y + 1

				;Get progress bar position
				PixelSearch, PosX, PosY, RightX, Y, LeftX, Y, %ProgressBarColor%, , RGB

				IfNotEqual, Time2,
					LastTime2 = %Time2%

				Time2 = %A_Now%

				If (ErrorLevel <> 0) AND (LastTime2 <> "")
				    IfNotEqual, ElapsedTime2,
						Diff = %Time2%
						EnvSub, Diff, %LastTime2%, Seconds
						ElapsedTime2 := ElapsedTime2 + Diff
						Hours := ElapsedTime2 // 3600
						Minutes := Mod(ElapsedTime2, 3600) // 60
						MinutesOnly := ElapsedTime2 // 60
						Seconds := Mod(ElapsedTime2, 60)
						If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
						    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
						If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
						    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
						ElapsedTimeString2 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
						ElapsedTimeStringHours2 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

						Update2 = 1

			    	IfNotEqual, RemainingTime2,
						Diff = %Time2%
						EnvSub, Diff, %LastTime2%, Seconds
						RemainingTime2 := RemainingTime2 - Diff
						Hours := RemainingTime2 // 3600
						Minutes := Mod(RemainingTime2, 3600) // 60
						MinutesOnly := RemainingTime2 // 60
						Seconds := Mod(RemainingTime2, 60)
						If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
						    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
						If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
						    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
						RemainingTimeString2 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
						RemainingTimeStringHours2 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

						Update2 = 1

				IfEqual, ErrorLevel, 0
					Percent2 := (PosX - 27 - WinPosX) // 4

					IfEqual, FirstPercent2,
					    FirstPercent2 = %Percent2%

					IfEqual, FirstTime2,
				    	FirstTime2 = %Time2%

					IfLess, Percent2, %LastPercent2%
						FirstPercent2 = %Percent2%
						FirstTime2 = %Time2%

					LastPercent2 = %Percent2%

					SinceFirstTime := Time2
					EnvSub, SinceFirstTime, %FirstTime2%, Seconds
					SinceFirstPercent := Percent2 - FirstPercent2

					TotalTime := Round((SinceFirstTime * 100) / (SinceFirstPercent))
					Hours := TotalTime // 3600
					Minutes := Mod(TotalTime, 3600) // 60
					MinutesOnly := TotalTime // 60
					Seconds := Mod(TotalTime, 60)
					If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
					    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
					If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
					   	Seconds = 0%Seconds%
					TotalTimeString2 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
					TotalTimeStringHours2 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

					ElapsedTime2 := Round((SinceFirstTime * Percent2) / (SinceFirstPercent))
					Hours := ElapsedTime2 // 3600
					Minutes := Mod(ElapsedTime2, 3600) // 60
					MinutesOnly := ElapsedTime2 // 60
					Seconds := Mod(ElapsedTime2, 60)
					If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
					    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
					If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
					    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
					ElapsedTimeString2 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
					ElapsedTimeStringHours2 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

					RemainingTime2 := Round((SinceFirstTime * (100 - Percent2)) / SinceFirstPercent)
					Hours := RemainingTime2 // 3600
					Minutes := Mod(RemainingTime2, 3600) // 60
					MinutesOnly := RemainingTime2 // 60
					Seconds := Mod(RemainingTime2, 60)
					If Strlen(Minutes) = 1
					    Minutes = 0%Minutes%
					If Strlen(Seconds) = 1
					    Seconds = 0%Seconds%
					RemainingTimeString2 = %MinutesOnly%:%Seconds%
					RemainingTimeStringHours2 = %Hours%:%Minutes%:%Seconds%

					StartTime = %Time2%
					EnvAdd, StartTime, -%ElapsedTime2%, Seconds
					FormatTime, StartTimeString2, %StartTime%, HH:mm:ss

					EndTime = %Time2%
					EnvAdd, EndTime, %RemainingTime2%, Seconds
					FormatTime, EndTimeString2, %EndTime%, HH:mm:ss

					Update2 = 1

			; If some time related variables have been updated (as indicated by
			; the Update1 and Update2 variables), update the title bar
			If (Update1 = 1) OR (Update2 = 1)
				GoSub, AssignWindowTitles

				IfNotEqual, ProgressBars, 2
			 		WinSetTitle, ahk_id %WindowID%, , %OneProgressBarWindowTitle%
					WinSetTitle, ahk_id %WindowID%, , %TwoProgressBarsWindowTitle%

				Update1 = 0
				Update2 = 0

		Sleep, 700

	; Reset variables
	Percent1 =
	FirstPercent1 =
	LastPercent1 =
	Time1 =
	FirstTime1 =
	ElapsedTime1 =
	RemainingTime1 =
	LastTime1 =

	Percent2 =
	FirstPercent2 =
	LastPercent2 =
	Time2 =
	FirstTime2 =
	ElapsedTime2 =
	RemainingTime2 =
	LastTime2 =

	ProgressBars =
	; Reset coordinate mode to the default relative mode
	; in case we're part of some other script, that relies on it
	CoordMode, Pixel, Relative

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