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Tune TC's "general window" menu

Posted: 2018-02-21, 22:13 UTC
by rrttdd
Some programs have an extended general window menu. For example if you run cmd.exe an right-click at its icon top-left or if you do a right-click at cmd at the task bar, you get the general window options like restore, move, resize, close,

plus, in the case of cmd.exe

The idea is to extend TC's general window menu in a similar way.

My suggestion for the items:

Left Pane
Right Pane
Menu bar
Menu bar 2

Each item works like the Edit item of cmd.exe an opens a sub menu.

By selecting Left Pane or Right Pane, a breadcrumb navigation is started as shown in the example. When finally clicking an item, TC will be restored showing the selected directory in the selected window.

Selecting a Menu bar menu shows the corresponding menu bar formatted as a sub menu.