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Rename masks/variables in move&copy dialog

Posted: 2018-07-05, 09:20 UTC
by kevo
I often use the multi rename tool to create an archive version with the rename mask "OLDREVS\[N]_[d]" which puts the file in an OLDREVS subfolder and ads the modified date as a suffix.

I'd like to be able to do this with a file I currently have open, so would be creating a duplicate, rather than a rename.
Generally I dont have the OLDREVS folders open in a TC pane, as it's more of a bin than an active working directory

Currently I'd have to either;
-copy the file into the subfolder, navigate to the new folder and then multi-rename to add the date suffix
-F5, add the subdirectory prefix and manually read and type out the modified date suffix.

Would be handy if I could just add _[d] etc in the copy dialog!

Posted: 2018-07-05, 09:22 UTC
by kevo

Just realised I posted almost exactly the same thing about 2 years ago!
