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Directory hotlist: Add dir to multiple submenus

Posted: 2019-02-24, 15:55 UTC
by DrShark
Sometimes for better categorization it's better to add same dir to many Directory Hotlist submenus.
There has been a related suggestion to clone (duplicate) the items in a Directory Hotlist configuration dialog:

My suggestion is to make it possible to add the dir to many submenus at creation stage. It will require the changes for "New title for menu entry" dialog which appears after calling an "Add current dir" item of Directory Hotlist.
This dialog looks like the one on a linked screenshot from this post (except from a button with underlined text which normally doesn't exist.)

To that dialog, I suggest to add a small [+] button after "Add to submenu" text. Similar to a click on "Add to submenu" checkbox, it will allow to pick a submenu entry, but it will not replace the name of submenu item (visible next to "Add to submenu" text if an entry is picked), instead adding new one each time user uses [+] to pick the submenu entry.
To make it possible for user to see the whole list of entries where the dir will be placed, a horizontal scroll may be added for a text line with entries names next to "Add to submenu" button.

Re: Directory hotlist: Add dir to multiple submenus

Posted: 2019-04-09, 16:22 UTC
by Usher
I think it's easier to use "Change directory menu" dialog window and add two buttons there: "Copy item" and "Insert (paste) item".