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SFTP 2.50 auth using keys via KeePass and KeeAgent plugin

Posted: 2019-06-17, 19:59 UTC
by oloszy
thanks for the SFTP 2.50 plugin. It's great you can finally SCP from TC and it's even greater to be able to authenticate using public/private keys.

I love authenticate to linux servers using Public/Private key pairs. What I really dislike, is storing the keys on local storage.

One of my friends advised recently, I should check KeeAgent plugin for KeePass. This was a game changer.
I can finally securely store the key pairs in KeePass database and still be able to use the keys with some of my tools like console, WinSCP (local key agent - agent-fw) or Putty and use the public key with ease.

Is it possible to make SFTP plugin work with KeeAgent plugin?

Re: SFTP 2.50 auth using keys via KeePass and KeeAgent plugin

Posted: 2019-06-18, 10:42 UTC
by ghisler(Author)
TC currently only supports Pageant for storing public/private keys. What's the problem with storing the key encrypted? TC will ask for the password of the key, and you can even store it in the TC password manager.