Thumbnail Spacing

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

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Old Faithful
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Thumbnail Spacing

Post by *Old Faithful »

So I've been experimenting with the Thumbnail feature (what an improvement over earlier versions!) for managing my picture folder but can't seen to get it to show the extra info such as size and date under the thumbnail - even with the \n parameter, I can still only see one line, and only a small fraction of the file name at that.

If I reduce the zoom ratio ([Ctrl]+[MouseWheel]) I can see more than one line, but only a few letters, as the Thumbnail size goes really small.

How do I get TC to specify the space between thumbnails (row and column) when using large (240x240) thumbnails, so I may actually be able to see the extra info I've set TC to show?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Re: Thumbnail Spacing

Post by *Hacker »

Old Faithful,
A penny for a screenshot of your thumbnail view and your settings.

Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Re: Thumbnail Spacing

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

2Old Faithful
This happens on older Windows versions, including Windows 10 before version 1709 (fall 2017):
In these versions, the maximum height of a listbox item was limited to 255 pixels. So if your thumbnail is too large, TC will cut the extra lines. It will always leave enough space for the name, though.
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Re: Thumbnail Spacing

Post by *Old Faithful »

ghisler(Author) wrote: 2021-05-13, 08:17 UTC 2Old Faithful
This happens on older Windows versions, including Windows 10 before version 1709 (fall 2017):
In these versions, the maximum height of a listbox item was limited to 255 pixels. So if your thumbnail is too large, TC will cut the extra lines. It will always leave enough space for the name, though.
Indeed, I'm using an old Windows version (Vista) but tweaked to such an extent it looks more like Windows 98 and works more like Windows XP! After customizing it to the hilt and the freedoms I enjoy and the tools I'm able to use with it, may of them abandonware (I'm still using a CAD that's almost 28 year old and for which I have built an extensive library of objects that simply won't work on anything younger than Vista), I'm NOT looking forward to 'upgrade' it!

Until I discovered the Thumbnail feature in beta 10, I only played on occasion with Total Commander - My go-to picture management program was and still is ThumbsPlus and has been for over 2 decades, whereas my Go-To File Manager was Norton File Manager, which harks back to Windows 95!!! So you can surely get where I'm coming from, and why after playing with it occasionally over the years, I'm showing sudden interest in Total Commander!

That being said, when you mention that the limitation is Windows-related, when I look at the thumbnails in Windows Explorer, the file name isn't truncated as much: for an equivalent window size and thumbnail size, Total Commander displays 5 rows of 4 columns whereas Windows Explorer displays 4 rows of 3 columns on my 2560x1600 monitor, which shows much more useable info... Thank Goodness for the InfoTip, without it, it would be impossible to get any actual file detail!

I sure hope you will consider improving this new Thumbnail feature, perhaps to the level of what can be done with Windows Explorer (including editing comments), especially since so many people now have huge picture collections (mine is in the millions) so that working with thumbnails efficiently has now become such a Must!

Thank you again for listening in and responding - Total Commander sure has been growing on me! And sorry for not posting screen grabs - after losing tons of pictures to hosting sites that either closed, became expensive, inaccessible to my browser or otherwise generally degraded, I'm not too hot about hosting files again!
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Re: Thumbnail Spacing

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Windows Explorer uses a ListView control, not a ListBox control. The ListView has other advantages, but also many disadvantages. for example, the headers are part of the ListView, and can only be displayed in certain modes. It's also slower than the ListBox.
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