Bug report: Custom button-bar parameter error

Support for Android version of Total Commander

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Bug report: Custom button-bar parameter error

Post by *werneik »

Hi. I am using Total Commander v2.80 for Android and experience an error when using custom button-bar buttons that use the %P or %P%N parameters with paths containing round brackets before the final slash of the path. The error does not occur when using %T or %T%M in the inactive panel.

Here is a very basic example that produces the error...

Function type: Send shell command
Command: su
Parameters: *echo "%P%N"

If the path contains round brackets before the final slash I get the following error: sh: <stdin>[1]: syntax error: '(' unexpected

Example of path creating error: /storage/8CE0-6T02/folder_(2017)/file.ext

If the round brackets are only within the final section of the path then there is no error, eg: /storage/8CE0-6T02/folder_(2017)

I have also tried using printf "%s" "%P%N" but the error still occurs. Neither single or double quotes around the parameter seem to help either.

Maybe this is a bug. Thank you for making this great file manager. It is always the first app that I install.
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Re: Bug report: Custom button-bar parameter error

Post by *ghisler(Author) »

You need to use single quotes instead of double quotes for shell commands, because some characters in double quotes will be interpreted by the shell.
Command: su
Parameters: *echo '%P%N'
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