Mediainfo.wdx: (see video/audio metadata detailed information) - content plugin

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Mediainfo.wdx: (see video/audio metadata detailed information) - content plugin

Post by *junglemike »

MediaInfoWDX by Author: Chao Liu

He there. I know there's a media content plugin, which displays information for .avi , .mpg files , but there's notheing for .mkv , .ogm, .mp4 files at all.
Or at least I didn't find anything.
Today i found a excellent freeware tool to display all information for any media files (including the ones above) - Mediainfo
It can also generate listings automatically. I'm not a programmer, but I think it should be pretty easy to turn it into a plug-in that can show info for all media formats
What do you think about it?

NEW Update

MediaInfo by Author: tbeu

Update to MediaInfo v20.03
Post by *tbeu » Sat Apr 18, 2020    here at page 7
tbeu wrote: 2020-04-18, 11:22 UTC Updated archive contains v20.03 of Mediainfo.dll.

As requested, it also can display the fields Audio Format Name (e.g., AAC LC) and Video Format Name (e.g., AVC) in the name field.
The full format name (e.g., Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity or Advanced Video Codec) is is still available and moved to the info field.

Download: wdx_mediainfo_20.03.rar (x86/x86-64) (C++ sources included)
Also now available on


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Post by *XPEHOPE3KA »

but there's notheing for .mkv , .ogm, .mp4 files at all.
You can configure media plugin yourself (if those codecs are installed at your system).
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Post by *junglemike »

хренорезка, are you saying that I can configure _existing_ media plugin so that i can understand .mkv, .mp4 containers?
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Post by *XPEHOPE3KA »

хренорезка, are you saying that I can configure _existing_ media plugin so that i can understand .mkv, .mp4 containers?
Oops, I thought so... I was mistaken by some comments at No, it can't understand those formats.
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Post by *hyphenpipe »

I have the media plugin installed, but how do I get it to show this information?
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Post by *nsp »

hyphenpipe wrote:I have the media plugin installed, but how do I get it to show this information?
You can show information directly as "custom column" or in the file tooltip.
If you searh in the forum, read the help or beter use the tutorial

The custom column is a topic on the configuration dialog box ! you can add as many profile as you wish !

To see in tooltip you have to use "custom field", the little [+] on right bottom of the display topic of the configuration dialog. You can after, add some new fields for each type of file..
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Re: see video/audio detailed information

Post by *brotbuexe »

junglemike wrote:Today i found a excellent freeware tool to display all information for any media files (including the ones above) - Mediainfo
I've made a script that uses the dll version. But I needed the help of the script content plugin. Check ghisler dot ch/board/viewtopic.php?p=149182#149182

I hope there is any developer that can use the great source code of the dll version to make a content plugin. mediainfo.sourceforge dot net/en/Download

Sorry for the broken links, this forum software thinks I'm to new and could be a spammer. :/
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Post by *Antonski »

Vote for MediaInfo plugin! Both wdx and wlx would be great.
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Post by *sylvio2000 »

Hi, I am looking for a good file lister for Linux and found TC :D
Although there is no native linux version it seems to run fine with wine.

What I would like to know:

Are there any news regarding mkv support? That would be awesome, because TC seems to be the app I was waiting for :P
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Post by *dott »

I have used mediainfo for a long time, best multimedia info tool ever.

An user-defined command is enough for me, mediainfo GUI without toolbar and menu is clean and fast.

Anyway, there is a mediainfo CLI (zip file), with text, html and xml stdout, it can be used with multilister if anyone want to try.
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Post by *sylvio2000 »

Ok, but I would like to have all mkv in a list with size, duration time...
Afaik this is not possible with TC at the moment.

I am looking for something like Directory Lister Pro
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Post by *cheesecake »

On Russian Forum, there is a WDX called TCMediaInfo which does the job.

It's using the MediaInfo library, but probably not working with the latest.

AFAIK, the last working mediainfo.dll version for this plugin is 0.721.

You may use WDXInfoPacker to generate the list, this is not tested though.
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Post by *sylvio2000 »

Thank you very much. TCMediaInfo is the one I was looking for. :D

But I dont know how I can print a file list of several harddisks (only special files)? I really dont know how to use WDDXInfoPacker :(
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Post by *dott »

About the mediainfoCLI app.

I change my usual user-defined command em_MediaInfo and make a shameful batch script in order to parse the mediainfo stdout to a file an send it to lister.

User-Defined Command wrote:[face=consolas][em_MediaInfo]
menu=Información de archivos multimedia
Minfo.bat wrote:[face=consolas]
@echo OFF

"%programfiles%\Mediainfo\MInfo.exe" %1>%temp%\MEDIAINFO.TMP
"%commander_path%\TOTALCMD.EXE" /S=L "%temp%\MEDIAINFO.TMP"[/face]

[face=comicsansms]REM ~ "%programfiles%\Mediainfo\MInfo.exe" %1>%temp%\MEDIAINFO.minfo
REM ~ "%programfiles%\Mediainfo\MInfo.exe" -f %1>%temp%\MEDIAINFO.txt
REM ~ "%programfiles%\Mediainfo\MInfo.exe" --Output=HTML %1>%temp%\MEDIAINFO.HTML
REM ~ "%programfiles%\Mediainfo\MInfo.exe" --Output=XML %1>%temp%\MEDIAINFO.xml

REM ~ "%commander_path%\TOTALCMD.EXE" /S=L:Scilister "%temp%\MEDIAINFO.minfo"
REM ~ "%commander_path%\TOTALCMD.EXE" /S=L "%temp%\MEDIAINFO.txt"
REM ~ "%commander_path%\TOTALCMD.EXE" /S=L "%temp%\MEDIAINFO.html"
REM ~ "%commander_path%\TOTALCMD.EXE" /S=L "%temp%\MEDIAINFO.xml"
REM lines are examples of the different outputs that mediainfoCLI can offer.

-f > full information

--Output=HTML > htmt formatted output and same for xml

/S=L:Scilister is for present plain text in highlighted text format thru scilister plugin

Text output

Highlighted text output
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Post by *sylvio2000 »

That looks good, but it isnt what I would like to have :)

It should look like this:
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