Extended Menus for TC 11.50 - Updated January 2nd 2025

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Extended Menus for TC 11.50 - Updated January 2nd 2025

Post by *petermad »

Updated versions of my Extended Menus are now available for TC 11.50:


Extended English Menus for Total Commander - Combined 32bit and 64bit:
Extended English Menus for Total Commander - 64bit:
Extended English Menus for Total Commander - 32bit: _________________

Udvidede Danske Menuer for Total Commander - Kombineret 32bit og 64bit:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for Total Commander - 64bit:
Udvidede Danske Menuer for Total Commander - 32bit: ___________________________________________________________

Old versions: ___________________________________________________________

Screenshots: ___________________________________________________________

Each package contains two versions of the menu:
  • Menu I which has a single "View" menu item which is common to both file panels (like TC's standard menu).
  • Menu II which has separate "Left" and "Right" menu items (like Norton Commander).
You can switch between the menus from the Language setup in TC's configuration dialog.


To install the menu, simply download the package and from within Total Commander double-click on the downloaded zip file (AutoInstallPlugins must not be set to 0 in wincmd.ini).

Once you have installed the menu files, you can install some optional features from the menu item: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander".

The Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 64bit and 32bit versions can coexist in the same folder in case you have installed both versions of TC in the same directory.

The Windows 7 / 8.1 /10 /11 versions contain menu items for more than 170 Windows applicatons and Control panel elements. The package also contains 13 button bars with the same Windows items. There is one main button bar, from which the other bars can be reached, either as menus or as separate button bars (Shift+Click the buttons in the main button bar).


How to use the Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10 / 11 Menus if both the 32bit and the 64bit version of Total Commander are installed in the same folder and shares the same wincmd.ini file:

Install the combined 32bit and 64bit version of the menu.

If you for example want to use Menu II under Windows 10 x64, you open TC's Configuration dialog and go to the Language section. Here choose "English with Extended Menu II for TC 11.50 32/64bit under Windows 10 64bit" as language.

In the field "Main menu file:" it will now show wcmd_win10%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%_2_eng.mnu, that is intentional - just press OK.

If you want to use the extended icon set for the menus, use the menu item: "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander" to install them, and then use "Preferences" -> "Options..." -> "Icons" -> "Set default icon library...". Select 2. and then select "wcmicon_win10%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%.dll: Icons for Extended Menus - 32/64bit (by petermad)".


These menues are a further development og my previous menus:
Last edited by petermad on 2023-08-02, 21:45 UTC, edited 113 times in total.
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Post by *petermad »

Version 8.0 beta 2 of the menus is available for download (links in first post):

  • The "Help" -> "Install Addons for Total Commander" is fixed for the Windows 7 versions.
  • The Windows XP version is unaltered (still beta 1).

  • "Hjælp" -> "Installer udvidelser til Total Commander" er ordnet for Windows 7 versionerne.
  • Windows XP versionen er uændret (stadig beta 1).
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Post by *krasusczak »


I found error in:


Duplicate [em_ext_copyallnewdir] variable, 2nd should be: [em_ext_moveallnewdir]
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Post by *petermad »


Thank you very much for the feedback.

New version 8.0 beta 3 of the menus is available for download (links in first post):

  • Fixed error in wcmd_win7x64_1_eng.ini, wcmd_win7x64_2_eng.ini, wcmd_win7x86_1_eng.ini and wcmd_win7x86_2_eng.ini fixed for the Windows 7 versions.
  • Fixed error in wcmd_winxp_1_eng.ini and wcmd_winxp_2_eng.ini in Windows XP version.

  • Ingen ændringer i danske version, kun opdateret versionsnummeret for at følge den engelske version.
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Danish Total Commander Translator
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Post by *EricB »


Thanks for the elaborate work, it is much appreciated! A question though: is it currently possible to default to the correct x86/x64 menu depending on which TC is running? I've both Tc8 beta x86 and x64 in the same directory and they share the same wincmd.ini. I don't see a way to do this, but I might be missing something.
Also the wciconex.inc from the x86 and x64 additional packages contain some differences, which more or less excludes the possibility to have both versions of extended menu additionals in the same TC folder.

Regards, EricB
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Post by *petermad »


You are right about the problem with a shared wincmd.ini. The menu files have different names for the 32bit and the 64 bit version, so they can both be installed in a mixed TC installation at the same time, but only one or the other menu can be activated at the same time.

Maybe using environment variables in the file names could solve that problem - I will think about it.

You are also right about the wciconex.inc file being different for the 32bit and the 64bit installation of the extended menus. That is actually why I have provided a wciconex.in_ file - if you overwrite wciconex.inc with wciconex.in_ then it will work for both versions, but with fewer icons in the menu.
License #524 (1994)
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previous version uninstall

Post by *ElQuia »

petermad hi

I have betas 8 installed, both x86 and x64 (in separate dirs) using your previous menus (7.56 version)

Do I "upgrade"?
If not, how do I uninstall previous version fully?

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Post by *petermad »

I have now done a little testing - You can do the following (I might do it for the next version):

wcmd_win7x64_1_eng.lng to wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.lng
wcmd_win7x64_1_eng.mnu to wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.mnu
wcmd_win7x64_1_eng.inc to wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.inc
wcmd_win7x64_1_eng.ini to wcmd_win7amd64_1_eng.ini
wcmd_win7x64_2_eng.lng to wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.lng
wcmd_win7x64_2_eng.mnu to wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.mnu
wcmd_win7x64_2_eng.inc to wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.inc
wcmd_win7x64_2_eng.ini to wcmd_win7amd64_2_eng.ini

In wincmd.ini use these parameters (edit them manually):

Code: Select all

This way the right menu will be used for both 32- and 64bit TC, but you cannot change the language from within TC's configuration dialog - it has to be set manually in wincmd.ini. In fact if you open TC's language setup it will show that you are using intrinsic English, even though you are using my .lng file - but you can edit the Main menu file name using the environment variable from the configuration dialog.
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Post by *petermad »

I have betas 8 installed, both x86 and x64 (in separate dirs) using your previous menus (7.56 version)

Do I "upgrade"?
If not, how do I uninstall previous version fully?
You don't have to upgrade - the new version uses new file names, so they can exist together with the old menus. So just go on and install it - but maybe wait a day for the 64bit version - I am going to change the file names - se previous post.
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Post by *ElQuia »

uh how do I uninstall previous version SOLVED (manually after chosing base TC lang, but have to re Edit button bars)

Can BOTH x86 versions aka WinXP AND Win7 be installed TOGETHER?
So for example a pen drive with portable TC could be used to work on both OSes?

Ok, Ill wait till tomorrow for the x64 new ver.
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Post by *Stefan2 »

I like this! :lol:

Many thanks, will download it the next days.
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Post by *petermad »

New version 8.0 beta 4 of the menus is available for download (links in first post):

  • The file names has been changed for the 64bit version (in order to be able to use a shared wincmd.ini for the 32bit and the 64bit version).
  • If you earlier have installed beta 1 - 3, THEN PLEASE DELETE ALL FILES AND FOLDERS THAT HAS "win7x64" IN THE NAME!
  • The Menu now uses default.bar in the same folder as wincmd.ini

  • Filnavnene er ændret for 64bit versionen (for at kunne bruges med fælles wincmd.ini for 32bit og 64bit versionen).
  • Hvis du tidligere har installeret beta 1 - 3, SÅ SLET VENLIGST ALLE FILER OG MAPPER MED "win7x64" I NAVNET!
  • Menuen bruger nu default.bar i samme mappe som wincmd.ini.

See first post on how to use the menus when 32bit and 64bit TC are sharing the same installation folder and the same wincmd.ini.
Last edited by petermad on 2012-02-27, 22:26 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by *ElQuia »

sorry for insisting....

Can BOTH x86 versions aka WinXP AND Win7 be installed TOGETHER?
So for example a pen drive with portable TC could be used to work on both OSes?
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Post by *petermad »


Yes, they can.

But off course you have to select the proper menu (from TC's Language setup dialog) each time you change OS.

If you use both Win XP and Win 7 menu, and you have installed wciconex.dll and wciconex.inc via the Help -> Install Addons for Total Commander, then you must overwrite wciconex.inc with the provided wciconex.in_
License #524 (1994)
Danish Total Commander Translator
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Post by *EricB »


Thanks for the update! I've added %PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE% to the LanguageIni and Mainmenu entries in wincmd.ini and with beta4 all seems to work fine on my Win7 x64: both TC 8.0B20 x32 and x64 load the correct menu. Proof of concept is running command em_ext_administration, this is only implemented for x64 menus, and will render a Function not implemented message for x32. My other machine with only Win7 x32 also loaded the correct menu.

I noticed however that when checking the Language setting via Preferences, the env var is not resolved in the Main menu file field. You already mentioned the related effect in a previous post (Language setting is always English). No big deal, but I thought I'd mention it.

Regards, EricB
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