How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

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How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *MarkFilipak »

Wow. I thought I'd find the answer right way, but I've searched for an hour and have found no joy. That generally means I'm clueless.

Do I simply delete the '.wcx'?

Thank You.
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Post by *iana »

Do I simply delete the '.wcx'?
no, there are a few ways
#1 using tc itself
in tc goto
preferences-->plugins then chose wcx//wlx/wdx/wfx and in the new configuration window cleck remove to remove the plugin you want
#2 using notepad
open wincmd.ini (usually it's in tc's install dir) goto the plugins section, remove the line that defines the appropriate plugin
to uninstall the bzip plugin remove the line

Code: Select all

ps. removing a olugin does not require removing the w?x file, if a wcx is missing you might end up with some errors, but the plugin will still show-up as registered.
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FAQs: PLUGINs - Find / Install / Remove a plugin

Post by *Stefan2 »

The core installation of Total Commander often may lack of important features. But the concept of TC is to relay on Plugins and Add-Ons.

Read our wiki too: Plugins for Total Commander >

Plugin types:
Total Commander currently supports four plugin types:

- Packer plugins (.wcx files) - Packer plugins are used to pack/unpack/modify specific file types, usually archive formats.
- File system plugins (.wfx files) - File system plugins are used via the Network Neighborhood.
- Lister plugins (.wlx files) - Lister plugins display special file types in the built-in lister as well as in the quick view panel (Ctrl+Q).
- Content plugins (.wdx files) - Content plugins have several purposes: searching for specific file properties and contents, displaying of these properties in file lists, and using them in the multi-rename tool to add them to the file name.

How to use plugins:
- Packer plugins (.wcx files) - Use them from "Files > Pack..." dialog (Alt+F5)
- in Packer-dialog use the drop down menu to chose the plugin by its given name on installation time at "All files with extension (ending with):"
- File system plugins (.wfx files) - Use them via the "Network Neighborhood", the [\]-button on the drive button bar.
- Lister plugins (.wlx files) - Use them in the built-in lister (F3) as well as in the quick view panel (Ctrl+Q).
- Content plugins (.wdx files) - Use them for "user defined columns", in the Search, in View ("Lister", F3 key), in menu Show > Quick View Panel, or use them in the multi-rename tool.

- in Packer-dialog use the drop down menu, and next maybe [Configuration]on the right
- in Network Neighborhood find the installed plugin and double click on it
- in Lister (F3) use the keyboard key "4" to switch plugins (see Lister Option-menu),
- for "Quick View Panel" it depends on settings in menu Configuration > Options... > Plugins > WDX (see the readme.txt or search the forum)
- use in thumbnail view >> SHOW menu (menu CONFIGURATION > Options... > Thumbnails > [x]Show custom fields....)
- create an custom (user defined) column view >> SHOW menu (
- use in search >> COMMANDS menu > Search > [Plugins]-tab
- use in multi-rename function > FILES menu > Multi-Rename Tool... > [Plugins]-button
ALWAYS READ the readme.txt and search the forum for already existing topics about your plugin.

How-To enter the "Network Neighborhood" ?
you need to have the "[x]Show drive buttons" enabled (menu "Configuration > Options... > Layout"),
then use the [\]-button, on the right after all the drive buttons, to enter the "Network neighborhood" view.
Or use the internal command cm_OpenNetwork in TCs command line box or from an own created button.
cm_OpenNetwork=2125;Network neighborhood

Finding Plugins:

- search the Forum
- see Total Commander Plugins homepage >
    Note: at the end of each of the four sections you can download an programmers "Guide"
      with basic information about that plugin interface including sometimes configuration tips.
- visit the great storage at
- search with Google, there are other collections in other languages too

- - -

Installing a plugin:

Installation using Total Commander's integrated plugin installer

- download the plugin archive (zip/rar)
- open TC and locate that archive
- from within Total Commander simply double clicking the plugin installation archive
- that will launch TC's built-in plugin installer
- if you don't understood the dialogue's, just continue and click OK.

This only works if the following conditions are met:
  You are using Total Commander version 6.5 (2005) or later.
  The plugin installation archive supports installation by the integrated installer (contains a pluginst.inf).

Link tip: How to Install a Plugin in Total Commander (Beginner Tutorial) >>

Plugin auto-install HOWTO (TC 6.5 or newer) ; Post by *ghisler(Author) » 2004 >> viewtopic.php?p=43001#p43001

If you cancel the first installation offer, then the next double click on the archive
will open the archive as an folder (on default set-up) and don't offer to install anymore for the time being.
Solution: just open and close another archive file (even the same but renamed file), then TC will again on next double click offer to install.

- - -[plugininstall]
- - -description=FileX 2.3
- - -type=wdx
- - -file=FileX.WDX
- - -defaultdir=FileX

If you cancel the first installation offer, then the next double click on the archive will open the archive as an folder (on default set-up)
and don't offer to install anymore for the time being, but show you the content of that archive in a folder-view.

To get back the TC integrated plugin installer, just open and close another archive file (even the same but renamed file),
then TC will again offer to install on next double click. (or wait some time for an timeout? or restart TC?)


Double clicking on "" brings this dialog of the TC integrated plugin installer:

This archive contains the following Total Commander plugin/addon:
FileX 2.3

Do you want to install it?
Yes No


On "Yes":

you will see the "Install to:"-dialog (see below next but one),

or, if there is already a plugin with that name installed, first this question:

A plugin with this name is already installed in the following directory:

%Commander_Path%\plugins\wdx\FileX\ <------ includes my own folder structure

Do you want to overwrite it?
Choose 'No' to select a different location.
Yes No Cancel


On "NO":

you will see the same "Install to:"-dialog
as if there were no plugin with that name already installed:

FileX 2.3
Install to:
%Commander_Path%\plugins\FileX <------ the plugin default install-folder recommendation
[_]Confirm overwrites
OK Tree Cancel

%Commander_Path% >> the folder of TC in an "portable" notation, independent from driveletter.
plugins > > > > > > the sub folder to store all plugins
FileX > > > > > > > the sub folder for this plugin (you may want to sort by plugin type: %Commander_Path%\plugins\WDX\FileX\)


Depending on the plugin type you will see another dialog with more options,

if you don't understood just see the file or continue and click [OK] (as we all do).


After installation you will have this new files in your TC folder:

Y:\our path to TCM\plugins\wdx\FileX\FileX.lng
Y:\our path to TCM\plugins\wdx\FileX\FileX.wdx
Y:\our path to TCM\plugins\wdx\FileX\FileX.wdx64
Y:\our path to TCM\plugins\wdx\FileX\ReadMe.txt

And in the wincmd.ini these new entry(ies):

Read our wiki too: Plugins for Total Commander >
Plugin types:
Total Commander currently supports four plugin types:
- Packer plugins (.wcx files) - are used to pack/unpack/modify specific file types, usually archive formats.
- File system plugins (.wfx files) - are used via the Network Neighborhood.
- Lister plugins (.wlx files) - display special file types in the built-in lister as well as in the quick view panel (Ctrl+Q).
- Content plugins (.wdx files) - have several purposes: searching for specific file properties and contents,
- - - displaying of these properties in file lists (user defined columns),
- - - - and using them in the multi-rename tool to add them to the file name.


- - -
petermad wrote: 2021-10-19, 12:44 UTC
The setting "Configuration" -> "Options..." -> "Packer" -> "Treat archives like directories" has to be enabled for TC's auto-installer to work

See: viewtopic.php?p=406101#p406101 and

Also there is wincmd.ini switch (under [Configuration]) which may be added by the user itself:
AutoInstallPlugins=1 (If set to 0, auto-installation of plugins, when entering plugin archive, is disabled)
It can only be set manually by user by adding it to the wincmd.ini file.
Please note that entries with default setting (see Menu Help) are not written to the wincmd.ini and also may be removed automatically by TC itself.
See Menu "Configuration > Change Settings Files Directly..." for to open wincmd.ini and wcx_ftp.ini both in Notepad.

- - -

Manual installation of plugins via dialog
Some (older) plugins need to be installed manually (and even the newest could be installed this way).

The basics steps to install such plugins are:
  Unpack the plugin archive to a folder.
  Add the plugin to TC using Total Commander's config dialog, menu "Configurations > Options... > Plugins > [Configure]".
     - if you don't understood the dialogue's, just read the file, or continue with the defaults.
- Download the plugin
- Unpack the plugin
- Have the folder with the plugin open in TC
- Open menu "Configurations > Options... > Plugins"
- Depending on the plugin type click at the right "[Configure]"-button.

For Packer WCX-plugins
    you have to add during the setup an "File extension" or an "psuedo file type" which with that plugin
       should be associated with, see too the file of the plugin.
    Then click at [New type...] and browse for the *.wcx file.

For the other three plugin types just click at the [Add]-button and browse for the *.w?x file.

For some plugins you can open the wincmd.ini and modify the entry of that plugin to adjust it on your needs.
Please read the plugin file or search the forum for help.

Install plugins manually "by hand"

If you have found an un-packed plugin, f.ex. in your backup, or if you want
to get a second version of one already installed plugin, follow this two steps:

1: having the Plugin files (e.g. all the *.w?x, *.exe, *.dll, *.ini, *.txt, etc...) in one folder,
normal an sub folder of the TC\Plugins folder, name it like you want, f.ex.: "TC\Plugins\WFX\Registry".
(You can also copy such an sub folder and install an plugin an second time, f.ex.: "TC\Plugins\WFX\Registry-copy".)

Note: depending on the plugin, the plugin configuration file (*.ini) may be put elsewhere automatically (mostly in the folder with the wincmd.ini)

Note: plugin files with name, ending in "64" (like "wpdplug.wfx64"), are working with an 64-bit TC only.
Plugin files missing that "64" are 32-bit and works with 32-bit TC, and often with 64-bit TC too (read the readme.txt).

2: having an entry in the wincmd.ini file, e.g. like this examples:

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

8_detect="MULTIMEDIA & (EXT="WAV" | EXT="WMA" | EXT="MP3") | FORCE | EXT="OGG""

Code: Select all

6="C:\Program Files\Total Commander 8\plugins\wdx\ShellDetails\ShellDetails.wdx"

Code: Select all

You can't know such entries by yourself, so use the plugin installer, or read the
But you can guess how such entries may look from other, already installed plugins, or from a hint from the forum.

Sometimes you should modify the wincmd.ini even on automatically installation, just to configure how the plugin works.
Therefore read the or search the forum (use google to search for an better result)

Note: for some plugins there are more than one line in the wincmd.ini.

Note: at the end of each of the four sections on the Total Commander Plugins homepage >
you can download an programmers "Guide" with basic information about that plugin interface including sometimes configuration tips.

- - -

To be portable, best be sure to use %Commander_Path% variable in wincmd.ini, instead of the absolute path like "c:\totalcmd\.."

- - -

Uninstalling / Removing a plugin:

You can utilize "Configuration > Options... > Plugins > W?X [Configure] > [Remove]")
As far as I know that will remove the lines from the wincmd.ini only, leaving the files still in the plugin folder.

For an manually uninstall by hand you can follow this steps:
- Best backup the wincmd.ini first (there are all the basic settings stored).
- Also backup the plugin configuration file (remember the installation? read the
- You can also backup the whole plugin folder) until you see everything work still fine.
To actually uninstall:
- Delete the folder with the plugin from TC\Plugins folder (you can also just keep it where it is, or move it to an save place)
- Search for and remove the entries from wincmd.ini as added on installation (see above at "entry in the wincmd.ini file").
Note: for some plugins there are more than one line in the wincmd.ini (like Packer wcx). But all are in close neighborhood.

- - -

There are exceptions from that rule.
Sometimes you have to register/unregister a DLL too. (like MediaInfoActiveX.dll)
Or few plugins work together with other plugins. (rarely) So don't be surprised if you break something.
Or a plugin needs more setting (like Autorun: "Define colors by file type..." first for auto run with TC)
And there are many TC tools which are not a plugin, like 'List2Clip', 'F4Menu' or 'TCFS2'
Best consult the readme files which comes whit that plugins/tools to get more information.
And don't worry; you can't really break it totally, you always can repair it again.
But best take a copy of your wincmd.ini and the configuration files of the plugin to become uninstalled
(best the whole plugin folder too) and keep it on a save place for a while, until you see all works still fine.

- - -

Install a PACKER-plugin (WCX)

- download the stated archive with the plugin installation files (for ex.: "wcx_setfolderdate_1.3.0.0.rar")
- use TC to locate the just downloaded plugin archive
- double click on the archive file and follow the dialogs
- note the name to give on the top right at "All files with extension (ending with):" to identify that plugin later on
You can take a look into wincmd.ini (menu Configuration > Change Settings Files Directly)
and there at the [PackerPlugins]-section to lookup the given name to identify one already installed plugin.

- this is a Packer plugin (.wcx file), use it by utilizing "Files > Pack..." (Alt+F5)
- select the wanted file(s) or folder(s) and open the packer dialog
- in Packer-dialog use the drop down menu to chose the packer plugin by its given name from above
- some plugins also have the possibility to use the [Configuration]-button
- if all is set up, click the [OK] button in the packer dialog to let the plugin do its work

- - -

- - -

Numbers for PACKER-plugin (WCX) in wincmd.ini?

What is the meaning of "251" that shows up in the wincmd.ini?
"251",C:\Program Files\totalcmd\plugins\wcx\wcx_bz2\bzip2dll.wcx

Answer by *ghisler(Author) » Fri Aug 27, 2021 15:52
"251" is a sum of these fields (just substract the highest number you can without making the number negative):
128: Allows searching for text in archives
64: Detects archive type by content
32: Supports packing in memory
16: Supports the options dialog
8: Can delete files from archive
2: Can modify existing archives
1: Can create new archives

As you can see, one prominent absence is 4: Can handle multiple files in one archive.
That's because bz2 can only handle one file, so multiple files have to be packed in a container like tar.


Answer by *petermad » Fri Jun 11, 2010 13:01
The number is the sum of all DLL capabilities:
1: Can create new archives
2: Can modify existing archives
4: Can handle multiple files in one archive
8: Can delete files from archive
16: Supports the options dialog
32: Supports packing in memory
64: Detects archive type by content
128: Allows searching for text in archives
256: Don't open with Enter, only with Ctrl+PgDn
512: Supports encryption

Total Commander will add the appropriate number on the first load of the DLL (wcx).

"251" = 128+64+32+16+8+2+1
TC will detect the features of the plugin-DLL and write the number to the wincmd.ini. Modifying that number yourself will not change the possibilities.

>> Packer extensions (plugins)
>>> WCX Plugin Guide (CHM).zip
>>>> "GetPackerCaps" topic

- - -

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Post by *MarkFilipak »

iana wrote: 2015-04-02, 02:23 UTC
Do I simply delete the '.wcx'?
no, there are a few ways
#1 using tc itself
in tc goto
preferences-->plugins then chose wcx//wlx/wdx/wfx and in the new configuration window cleck remove to remove the plugin you want
There is no "Remove" button.
iana wrote: 2015-04-02, 02:23 UTC #2 using notepad
open wincmd.ini (usually it's in tc's install dir) goto the plugins section, remove the line that defines the appropriate plugin
Not found. ...Oh, wait! Found! c:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\GHISLER\WINCMD.INI
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *petermad »

There is no "Remove" button.
You are right, there is no Remove button for wcx plugins, only for the 3 other plugin types.

Wcx plugins can only be removed by editing the wincmd.ini file manually - notice there can be more than one entry for a wcx plugin.

In stead of editing the wincmd.ini file you can set the association to <none> for the file types in TC's configuration for the wcx plugin you want to disable - but that requires that you know all the file types a certain wcx plugin is associated with.

Also notice that using the Remove button for wlx, wfx and wdx plugins only removes the entries from the wincmd.ini file. The plugin files has to be deleted manually, if you don't expect to ever use them again and/or want to regain space.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *deus-ex »

I'm perplexed how it took MarkFilipak almost 4 years to respond to iana's post, and he picks discussion up again like this huge time gap never happened.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *MarkFilipak »

deus-ex wrote: 2019-01-20, 21:20 UTC I'm perplexed how it took MarkFilipak almost 4 years to respond to iana's post, and he picks discussion up again like this huge time gap never happened.
...Not really mysterious.

I searched the Internet for a way to remove a TC plugin, and I found this thread, and when I saw that it hadn't really been answered, I bumped it. I trust you can now see how that happens.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *Phred »

What's perplexed me for 20 years is the need for distinctions between .wcx .wfx .wlx .wdx plug-ins, 'plug-ins', 'addons' or 'add-ons'.

From a user's point of view, the distinction seems to be unnecessary particularly since they are codes - those three-letter abbreviations aren't words; they're codes meant to signify something to cognoscenti.
Users are much more likely to recognise 'Packer', 'File system', 'Lister'(?) and 'Content'. But surely names of the plug-ins themselves are far more useful?
E.g. 'iso, ' makebat', '7zip', 'Uninstaller64', 'VirtualPanel', etc
Couldn't they all be mixed in together in alphabetical order? Or a multi-columned table sortable by headings? We see that all the time: just look at Task Manager, or a TC list panel itself. Many more...

I can't tell you how many times I've had to drop into each of the plug-in buttons searching for a plug-in, only to find it not there. Any particular classification is not readily obvious for any particular function.
I've trained myself to click, Escape, click, Escape, click, Escape... when looking for a plug-in ...and should I mention the truncated dialogue that appears, obscuring the plug-in names at the end of their paths...? TC really needs a new interface designer, I regret to have to say.

Classification differences with unnecessary distinctions.
Just another aspect of making TC obscure, arcane and user-unfriendly, likely again to deter new users from taking up and buying a licence. As well as the uninformative .w?x naming convention. Sad.

At times I want to examine the contents of a plug-in's zip file, so I might decline the offer to integrate the item as a TC plug-in when pressing Enter, but following that, I might want to accept the integration - but the offer isn't repeated: I just drop into the zip as before.

How do I add a plug-in after first peering into its contents?
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *petermad »

... but following that, I might want to accept the integration - but the offer isn't repeated: I just drop into the zip as before.
Just open and close another archive file, then TC will again offer to install, when you open the particular zip again.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *Phred »

petermad wrote: 2019-10-20, 08:47 UTC
... but following that, I might want to accept the integration - but the offer isn't repeated: I just drop into the zip as before.
Just open and close another archive file, then TC will again offer to install, when you open the particular zip again.
---> Straight to the Wiki.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *petermad »

Straight to the Wiki.

I have added this to the WiKi:
The plugin archive has not been entered with Ctrl-PgDn. In this case open another archive in the same folder - close it - and then double click the wanted plugin archive once again
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *MarkFilipak »

Phred wrote:How do I add a plug-in after first peering into its contents?
petermad wrote: 2021-10-20, 13:51 UTC... I have added this to the WiKi:
The plugin archive has not been entered with Ctrl-PgDn. In this case open another archive in the same folder - close it - and then double click the wanted plugin archive once again
That wiki entry is not really responsive to the issue of "peering into its" -- the plug-in's -- "contents", is it? Phred didn't 'enter' the archive via Ctrl-PgDn. I, myself, have never used Ctrl-PgDn.

May I suggest this wording?
"The plugin archive was opened in order to view its contents. In that case, close the plugin archive, then open and close any ordinary archive, then double click the plugin archive again to initiate installation."
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *petermad »


I have now updated the text in the wiki:
Wiki wrote:Often a plugin can be installed by simply opening the plugin installation archive from within Total Commander. Simply double clicking the plugin installation archive will launch Total Commander's built-in plugin installer. This only works if the following conditions are met:
  • You are using Total Commander version 6.5 or later.
  • The plugin installation archive supports installation by the integrated installer (i.e. it contains a valid pluginst.inf file).
  • The option "Configuration" -> "Options..." -> "Packer" -> "Treat archives like directories" is enabled.
  • The parameter AutoInstallPlugins=0 is not set in the [Configuration] section of the wincmd.ini file.
  • The plugin archive has not been opened in order to view its contents (for example with Ctrl-PgDn). In this case open and close another archive in the same file panel - this will re-initiate auto-installation for the wanted plugin archive, so that double clicking it once again should start the auto-installation.
It does not have to be an ordinary archive that you open, it can also be another plugin archive, but it is important that it is an archive in the same file panel.

MarkFilipak wrote:That wiki entry is not really responsive to the issue of "peering into its" -- the plug-in's -- "contents", is it? Phred didn't 'enter' the
archive via Ctrl-PgDn. I, myself, have never used Ctrl-PgDn.
How did you open the plugin archive without triggering the auto-installer?
Last edited by petermad on 2021-10-21, 20:05 UTC, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *MarkFilipak »

petermad wrote: 2021-10-21, 03:07 UTC
MarkFilipak wrote:That wiki entry is not really responsive to the issue of "peering into its" -- the plug-in's -- "contents", is it? Phred didn't 'enter' the
archive via Ctrl-PgDn. I, myself, have never used Ctrl-PgDn.
How did you open the plugin archive without triggering the auto-installer?
Oh, my, it's been years since I installed a plug-in. I do know I did not use Ctrl-PgDn. I've never used Ctrl-PgDn for anything in Windows, not ever.

Perhaps I double-clicked. Perhaps I did a Ctrl-arrow to open it in the opposite panel. I wish I could tell you.
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Re: How do I uninstall-remove-delete a plugin?

Post by *petermad »

Changed "the same folder" in my previous post to "the same file panel"
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