some tips, ideas and suggestions

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some tips, ideas and suggestions

Post by *horizon »

Dear Christian,
I want to tell you, that you are doing good work. Even if there are things in TC that I am quite unhappy, about TC is by far the best filemanager available. So thank you. :)

1. Searching in separate thread or process Searching windows opened (not only searching in progress!) prevents me to do anything other in TC. I read the forum and found, that this was already requested before, but it's really annoying So I politely raise this request again. :)

This was put into separate discussion thread:
2. A) Content of pannels being fed by separate threads and B) Caching of directory contents while connected thru network Why? I cannot do more things paralely. Let's say, I am connected using TC to some slow server (i.e. by VPN or so), I can neither do anything in the panel, because until the first one is reloaded, TC is totaly stuck. (=not responding) Which makes me quite unhappy.

This was put into separate discussion thread:
3. Faster searching! TC itself could do some indexing or (better) use windows indexing service (yes, windows indexing service is one of the best indexing engines). if present. (This would be helpful especially in network environment, where it's possible to use index database already created by machine you are searching on!)

Question could be "How windows indexing service can handle compressed files?" (well, probably it cannot handle them. however: if you will use windows indexing, TC will immediately know where archives are.
It also brings other (mandatory) benefits like usage of different so called Indexing-service-filters (which can bring you for example content searching

Present way of searching takes a lot of time and stresses drive quite hard and to be straight forward, it seems me to be quite bellow stanrd. Implementation of any indexing would make it quite powerful searching tool. (btw: Current versions of Office 2007 makes you to install and use indexing service! And once it is running it can brings instant search results.)

4. colored folders (those ntfs-compressed ones and encrypted)

This was put into separate discussion thread:
5. packing and unpacking in separate thread. (So I can perform other operations. During this action).

This was put into separate discussion thread:
6. Improvements of ftp client... Ideal situation would be, if I could use it as easily and transparently as I can work on on my local system.

This was put into separate discussion thread:
7. always handle files using queues (that are running in separate threads). If I noticed well, there is always only one queue. When I perform extensive file operations, I would appreciate some or basic rules, the would drive the situation and made the work more effective. For example(!!!):
- IF copying(/moving/packing/unpacking/deletion/MD5 generating/ftp) between the same media where another operation is already in progress THEN put the new file job into the same queue.
- Otherwise create the new queue.
(This means, that jobs to same media will always run in series and to different paralely.)
Maybe this particular way is not the best one, but currently there are definitely things to optimize.

Thank you and have a nice day
Last edited by horizon on 2006-11-24, 13:48 UTC, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by *Hacker »

Please post one request per thread. They will get lost here.

1. You know the answer to.
3. IIRC there is something abut that in the wiki.
4. Doable with Colors per file type.
5. Doable with external packers / unpackers.

[EDIT: Sorry for sounding harsh... it's just that having tens of threads named "suggestions" or "ideas" doesn't really help to keep track, let alone if they contain duplicate suggestions... :( ]
Last edited by Hacker on 2006-11-23, 14:06 UTC, edited 1 time in total.
Mal angenommen, du drückst Strg+F, wählst die FTP-Verbindung (mit gespeichertem Passwort), klickst aber nicht auf Verbinden, sondern fällst tot um.
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Re: some tips, ideas and suggestions

Post by *m^2 »

horizon wrote:4. colored folders (those ntfs-compressed ones and encrypted)
It can be done. Config -> Color -> Define colors by file type -> Add -> Define -> Advanced -> attributes -> (select whatever you want).
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Post by *icfu »

As long as such useless threads get answers, nothing will change. I suggest to just lock them in the future.

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Post by *Stance »

horizon wrote:4. colored folders (those ntfs-compressed ones and encrypted)
[Help]Show color for NTFS compressed file

Welcome! :)
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Post by *horizon »

Icfu> I found the rule "one bug report per post", but "not one wish per post".

However okay, I will cut the ideas into separate threads.
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