Lister:text only Implies "text only" but isn't

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

Moderators: white, Hacker, petermad, Stefan2

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$Does anyone else want a unix stings like functionality for Lister ?

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Lister:text only Implies "text only" but isn't

Post by *eyer0ck »

Lister:text only.

What can I say, but I love this program and the lister features blow me away with functionality.

I jumped for joy when I saw "text only" as a plugin attribute for lister, but to my dismay it sprinkles it with Dark rectangular (solid black) characters when viewing binary files searching for text inside them. The output is totally unreadable.

Text is the 1st 128 characters in the Ascii Character set.

w w w . r o b e l l e . c o m / s m u g b o o k / a s c i i . h t m l <-- those characters.
(sorry it won't let me post an outside link)

To say "text only" would imply no control codes outside of Bel etc.

In other words "text only" should act like unix "strings" only allowing
128 characters onto the screen. If thats what was intended then its not
working correctly.

If thats not the case then A very useful addon then might be a "strings" menu item If I may inject. I've one windows program that does this and I assign it a button up top, but its limited to size. I want to extract readable text from binary files, and binary files can be very big.

I dont have time to write a plugin, I'm very busy and doing
Cisco Classes currently. I've more work to do in that respect, Or I'd try to write a plugin myself.

Im a "Windows Commander" registered user but have only posted once about the CD writer plugin I found scrounging around . Even then, the board wont allow me to email, or post outside links.
Snaps fingers , darn it.

Cheers to all who've worked so hard on this program.
It's a Jewel !!
Keep the Faith :)
If you knew binary 10 , you could read this
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