Office 2007 files regarded as archives

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Office 2007 files regarded as archives

Post by *pcitrus »

Is there any sound reason why .docx, .xlsx, ... etc. are considered archives by TC, and when I select an Office 2007 file and press Ctrl left or right arrow (with the intention of showing the same directory in the opposite pane) and see a whole list of files inside this archive?

I know they're technically compressed files. But does anyone ever need to view those decompressed files inside a XXX.docx?

I'd suggest that by default, whenever we click Ctrl left or right arrow on these Office 2007 files, TC should display not its "contents", but the same directory in the opposite pane.
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Post by *karlchen »

Hello, pcitrus.

As you correctly state the Office 2007 files are ZIP archives from a technical point of view. And T.C. treats them as such.

Christian would have to add an exception rule for all known Office 2007 document types so that T.C. would not treat them as archives any longer. The same should apply to Open Office documents if I am not mistaken.

The problem which will come up inevitably is that some users will want T.C. not to treat those document files as archives and others will want T.C. to treat them as archives. This smells like trouble and/or a new INI parameter, something like DontTreatAsArchives=.DOCX .XLSX .WAR .EAR .JAR

Wondering how long this list may be in the end?

Kind regards,
But does anyone ever need to view those decompressed files inside a XXX.docx?
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Post by *Hacker »

I love to have a closer look into black boxes.
Darkness inside.

Did you actually know that all electronic components are based on smoke? If you ever see it coming out of any component you can be reasonably sure the part won't work anymore. ;)

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Post by *Balderstrom »

Interesting I didn't realize TC *WOULD* show archives in the pane for CTRL+ Left/Right.

I always click on Rars/Zips or CTRL+PGdn to show them in the pane I am already in.

@ Karlchen, Your idea would work, just allow the setting to take a wildcard, or an extensions list, or named FileFilters

Then cm_TransferLeft, and cm_TransferRight can be forced to always Show only directories in the other pane. Without adding more commands like cm_TransferLeftDirOnly.
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Re: Office 2007 files regarded as archives

Post by *HolgerK »

pcitrus wrote:But does anyone ever need to view those decompressed files inside a XXX.docx?
e.g. for image extraction:


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Post by *oshizelly »


Five years ise over from the time this short discussion occurs. Now MS Office 2007/2010/2013 format documents .docX and .xlsX, as well as OpenOffice similar formats, are everywhere. Is there any hope to get a solution for this trouble not to treat them as archives? Opening them on the target pane is actually the small part of the whole problem, as we have the same headache when trying to open Office documents via windows shortcuts (.LNK), or putting the full path into breadcrumb, or in command-line etc. etc.

The problem which will come up inevitably is that some users will want T.C. not to treat those document files as archives and others will want T.C. to treat them as archives.
Well, I guess, that the actually overwhelming majority wish/need not to treat MS Office documents as archives, while only some of users might need the opposite sometimes in extraordinary cases. So the answer is quite clear, isn't it? It is a thing they call "democracy"...
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Post by *Horst.Epp »

oshizelly wrote:Hi,

Five years ise over from the time this short discussion occurs. Now MS Office 2007/2010/2013 format documents .docX and .xlsX, as well as OpenOffice similar formats, are everywhere. Is there any hope to get a solution for this trouble not to treat them as archives? Opening them on the target pane is actually the small part of the whole problem, as we have the same headache when trying to open Office documents via windows shortcuts (.LNK), or putting the full path into breadcrumb, or in command-line etc. etc.

The problem which will come up inevitably is that some users will want T.C. not to treat those document files as archives and others will want T.C. to treat them as archives.
Well, I guess, that the actually overwhelming majority wish/need not to treat MS Office documents as archives, while only some of users might need the opposite sometimes in extraordinary cases. So the answer is quite clear, isn't it? It is a thing they call "democracy"...
As normal user I don't have your problem.
I can always use the function View / "Target = Source"
or assign a hot key to "cm_MatchSrc".
So I will not see the the archive content.
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Post by *Sir_SiLvA »

oshizelly wrote:Hi,

Five years ise over from the time this short discussion occurs. Now MS Office 2007/2010/2013 format documents .docX and .xlsX, as well as OpenOffice similar formats, are everywhere. Is there any hope to get a solution for this trouble not to treat them as archives? Opening them on the target pane is actually the small part of the whole problem, as we have the same headache when trying to open Office documents via windows shortcuts (.LNK), or putting the full path into breadcrumb, or in command-line etc. etc.

The problem which will come up inevitably is that some users will want T.C. not to treat those document files as archives and others will want T.C. to treat them as archives.
Well, I guess, that the actually overwhelming majority wish/need not to treat MS Office documents as archives, while only some of users might need the opposite sometimes in extraordinary cases. So the answer is quite clear, isn't it? It is a thing they call "democracy"...
Sorry but TC is a filemanager and I expect him to treat an ARCHIVE as an ARCHIVE and nothing else - Case closed.
PS: you should be happy that TC does otherwise you wouldnt be able to find text in them.
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Post by *Ovg »

IMHO there is not any problem at all. If you want open document in appropriate program - double click on it. If you want open it as zip - CTRL-PgDn.
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Post by *oshizelly »

I can always use the function View / "Target = Source"
or assign a hot key to "cm_MatchSrc".
Well, could you please explain me a bit closer, which way any of the two ways you pointed to can resolve my problem? Please regard, that I do not speak a single word about opening the file currently under cursor on the target pane, but the subject is quite different (please read my previous post).


Sorry but TC is a filemanager and I expect him to treat an ARCHIVE as an ARCHIVE and nothing else - Case closed.
Hello Christian! It is a big joy to see you as an author participating in our small discussion. But why do you decided to hide yourself behind a pseudonym? :lol:
However regarding your reply content. Have you ever thought of this simple thing, that every file is essentially nothing more than a heap of binary data bites? So according to your logic we do not need any viewer as Lister to view plain text, HTML-s, RTF-s etc, I don't event speak of lister plugins. Everything what we really need from a file manager is HEX-view, and as far as Lister has it, any other option is obsolete and need t be removed ASAP, right?

If you want open document in appropriate program - double click on it. If you want open it as zip - CTRL-PgDn.
Surely! But I did not say a single word of opening Offiice documents in an appropriate program, neither of entering them as archives. Would you please so kind to re-read my previous post to realize the problem I've described.
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Post by *Horst.Epp »

oshizelly wrote:2Horst.Epp
I can always use the function View / "Target = Source"
or assign a hot key to "cm_MatchSrc".
Well, could you please explain me a bit closer, which way any of the two ways you pointed to can resolve my problem? Please regard, that I do not speak a single word about opening the file currently under cursor on the target pane, but the subject is quite different (please read my previous post).

You started this thread with the following:

Is there any sound reason why .docx, .xlsx, ... etc. are considered archives by TC, and when I select an Office 2007 file and press Ctrl left or right arrow (with the intention of showing the same directory in the opposite pane) and see a whole list of files inside this archive?

So my answer is a solution for this problem
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Post by *oshizelly »

You started this thread with the following:
Is there any sound reason why .docx, .xlsx, ... etc. are considered archives by TC, and when I select an Office 2007 file and press Ctrl left or right arrow
Sorry, not me, I'm not a topic starter pcitrus. My first post in this thread is located directly above your previous post. I only tried to continue discussing more or less relative subject, which pcitrus has started 5 years ago, but from the other aspect.

Do you mean, that I would have to create a new topic, not to try to continue this old one? As you can see, I'm a novice at this forum, so if you think me to do so, I'll be glad to follow your advice.
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Post by *Ovg »

as we have the same headache when trying to open Office documents via windows shortcuts (.LNK), or putting the full path in command-line etc. etc.

What is the problem? In opening appropriate program?
or putting the full path into breadcrumb
Yes, in this case file opens as archive... I still don't understand what the problem. May be my english is very poor - I'm sorry...
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Post by *petermad »

as we have the same headache when trying to open Office documents via windows shortcuts (.LNK), or putting the full path into breadcrumb, or in command-line etc. etc.
Hmm, what happens if you try to open a .lnk file pointing to a .docx file (by "open" I assume that you mean doubleclicking or pressing Enter)? - here it opens the file in my Word Viewer as expected. Same thing if I transfer the full path of a .docx file to the command line by pressing Shift+Ctrl+Enter and thereafter press Enter.

You are right though, that if I cut-and-paste the full path of a .docx file to the Current Directory line (cm_EditPath) and then press Enter, then the .docx file is opened like an archive - but who would ever go to the trouble to do that in order to open the file in its associated program.
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Post by *Sob »

I have to agree with regular users here. :)

Personally I love to stick my nose everywhere I can (and sometimes shouldn't), so I don't mind TC treating everything that's internally an archive as such. But lets face it, it does not make sense for vast majority of users. Docx is an Office document and no one (few exceptions excluded and congratulations if you are one :) cares about it being also an archive.

IMHO TC should by default (and of course it should be configurable) recognize only archives with "official" extensions, so Ctrl+left/right (and possibly other functions) would open the archive if extension is .zip, but open directory like it does on regular files if extension is .docx (or others). Ctrl+PageDown would still work on everything, because the shortcut does not have other use on files.
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