Invalid Floating Point Operation

The behaviour described in the bug report is either by design, or would be far too complex/time-consuming to be changed

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Invalid Floating Point Operation

Post by *wayfinder »

Code: Select all

Total Commander 7.50PB8
Invalid floating point operation.

Please report this error to the Author, with a description
of what you were doing when this error occurred!

Windows exception: C0000090
Stack trace:
602D7A  615A5A  417C76  41C13A  >41C59C  443BAD
413E90  443193  413E90  4193F8  69B62B  
4075F7  664418  602D7A  615A5A  41C3E8  41B484
41C4E0  417C76  417B97  6137BE  41C13A  41C4E0
41C59C  444F7F  444FC8  441C7D  443E6D  415B6C
443255  443BAD  413E90  443193  413E90  4193F8
4194DF  419544  4196FE  69B62B  
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Got this when I was previewing a .WAV file in Lister (using the mmedia plugin which is playing it in windows media player)
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Post by *wayfinder »

Another one, doing the same thing (not sure if it was a different file. Everything seems to be the same except for one item in the "raw" section.

Code: Select all

Total Commander 7.50PB8
Invalid floating point operation.

Please report this error to the Author, with a description
of what you were doing when this error occurred!

Windows exception: C0000090
Stack trace:
602D7A  615A5A  417C76  41C13A  >41C59C  443BAD
413E90  443193  413E90  4193F8  69B62B  
4075F7  664418  602D7A  615A5A  5002B6  41C3E8
41B484  41C4E0  417C76  417B97  6137BE  41C13A
41C4E0  41C59C  444F7F  444FC8  441C7D  443E6D
415B6C  443255  443BAD  413E90  443193  413E90
4193F8  4194DF  419544  4196FE  69B62B  
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

It's probably caused by the mp3 decoder filter which you have installed. Total Commander is written in Delphi: Delphi turns on floating point exceptions (e.g. division by zero) and lets the user handle them. Microsoft Visual C++ turns OFF floating point exceptions and simply ignores them! The problem can occur when a VC++ library is called by a Delphi program, and a floating point exception occurs in that library. It would normally be ignored when called from a C++ program, but in a Delphi program it's causing a crash.

Unfortunately there is most likely nothing I can do here, sorry. All you can do is try to find out what codec is used (e.g. via Microsoft's free GraphEdit tool, and then disable that filter and use the one which comes with Windows.
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Post by *Lefteous »

I thought you are turning off floating point exceptions for plugins and shell extensions don't you?
23.01.08 Added: Disable Delphi floating point exceptions when calling OLE functions which may involve shell extensions: Drag&Drop, Context menu, Property sheet, Copy+Paste, Overlay Icons, Thumbnails, Info-Tips
23.01.08 Added: Disable Delphi floating point exceptions before loading any DLLs (Visual C++ DLLs may cause floating point exceptions because exception handling is off in C++)
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Yes, I do this before calling the right click menu and other OLE functions. The problem is that Lister plugins are working "on their own" - they are just hosted by the program, but windows calls them directly when windows messages like WM_PAINT come in. Therefore I cannot turn off floating point exceptions for these addons, and Delphi turns them back on every time when floating point functions are used...
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Post by *Boofo »


How big was the wav file. I just tried s few small ones and I didn't get the error.
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Post by *wayfinder »

Boofo: the file size for one of the files that threw the error is about 1.5MB. Edit: here it is:

This is the GraphEdit properties dialog:


I can't tell the mp3 decoder filter from this, let alone how to disable it... does anyone know more about the matter?


I found this. Will setting the Merit value to "MERIT_DO_NOT_USE" suffice, or would I have to unregister the filter? Or is this something I should not unregister?

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Post by *Boofo »

Strange. I just tried that wav file in Lister and it played fine with the mmedia plugin. No errors at all.
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Post by *wayfinder »

Then you are probably using a different DirectShow filter?

Just tried it again, got this:

Code: Select all

Application Error
Exception EInvalidOp in module TOTALCMD.EXE at 0D38809E.
Invalid floating point operation.
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Post by *Boofo »

I use whatever comes with the latest K-Lite Mega Codec Pack.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

Surprisingly, the analysis of the stack trace seems to indicate some other problem. Here is the trace (read from bottom up):

Code: Select all

602D7A listplug.468: ListCloseListWindow -> listplugin.ListCloseWindow(listwin)
615A5A listunit.6349: TLister.FormCloseQuery -> ListCloseListWindow
417C76 forms.3249:  TForm.CloseQuery ->  if Assigned(FOnCloseQuery) then FOnCloseQuery(Self, Result);
So it seems that user wayfinder closed Lister, which then called the ListCloseWindow function of the plugin. I guess that mmedia then closed the Windows Media Player control without stopping the player (or waiting for the player to stop), so the codec crashed because it was closed inexpectedly.

To verify this, do you also get a crash when you do NOT interrupt the player?
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Post by *wayfinder »

Yes, I do not need to interrupt Lister to get errors. Interestingly, I get two kinds of behaviour from doing exactly the same thing.

I tried it just now: I set up TC to show the directory containing the file linked above, then closed and reopened TC to get a fresh session. Selected the file and hit F3, then waited.

It appears that there are several ways it can go:

1. Lister plays the file correctly on the first try, a second play gives me the short form error message (like in my most recent post). It does not appear to matter whether I quit and restart TC between the two tries.

2. I get the long form error message on the first try (like in the original post) and TC quits ("[No]") or becomes unresponsive ("[Yes]")

I'm thinking it may have something to do with how much time there is between tries. It feels like the chance to have it work is significantly higher when I wait longer between tries.

I did not interrupt Lister during play, I only closed it when it had successfully played the file.

Here are some assorted stack traces and error messages :)

Short form:

Code: Select all

Application Error
Exception EInvalidOp in module TOTALCMD.EXE at 0D38809E.
Invalid floating point operation.

Code: Select all

Exception EInvalidOp in module TOTALCMD.EXE at 0D389544.
(These two addresses are the only variations I saw)

Long form:

Code: Select all

Total Commander 7.50PB8
Invalid floating point operation.

Please report this error to the Author, with a description
of what you were doing when this error occurred!

Windows exception: C0000090
Stack trace:
5D1CEC  4FFEC8  443BAD  >413E90  443193  413E90
41950F  69B62B  
443101  413E90  5D1CEC  4FFEC8  500031  441C7D
443E6D  413E90  415B6C  443255  443BAD  413E90
443193  413E90  41950F  419544  4196FE  69B62B

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Code: Select all

Windows exception: C0000090
Stack trace:
5D1CEC  4FFEC8  443BAD  >413E90  443193  413E90
41950F  69B62B  
5D1CEC  4FFEC8  500031  441C7D  443E6D  413E90
415B6C  443255  443BAD  413E90  443193  413E90
41950F  419544  4196FE  69B62B  
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

To find out whether the bug is in mmedia or a codec, can you try a different plugin, e.g.

After installing, make sure to move it in front of the mmedia plugin to give it priority.

If that crashes too, it's a codec problem. In this case, you can use this plugin:

It doesn't seem to rely on Windows codecs.
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Post by *DrShark »

ghisler(Author) wrote:If that crashes too, it's a codec problem. In this case, you can use this plugin:

It doesn't seem to rely on Windows codecs.
AmpView use bass dlls but not directshow filters.

I can suggest another plugin to check: Media Show

But please note: it may crash TC if you'll change focus from Lister to e.g. Windows Taskbar, with next error:

Code: Select all

Application Error
Exception EExternalException in module Totalcmd.exe at 04F1EFF8.
External exception C000001D.

Code: Select all

Application Error
Exception EAccessViolation in module Totalcmd.exe at 05EDEFF8.
Access violation at address 062E0224. Write of address C0000000.
It's not related to played file, it's a bug of MediaShow.
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Post by *ghisler(Author) »

AmpView use bass dlls but not directshow filters.
Yes, that's what I meant - I'm not aware of any problems with bass.dll, but it may be a problem with an installed codec.
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