Some ideas on Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar

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Some ideas on Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar

Post by *white »

I want to share some ideas on Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar.

Small cosmetic error in "Change directory menu" dialog. It says "directory menu" instead of "Directory hotlist" in the title bar and just below it. I noted this was the original name of this function.
01.06.97 Added: Directory-Menu, can be opened by double click on current directory (title) or by CTRL+D
When Directory hotlist was added to Total Commander it was probably only meant to quickly change to your favorite directories. Nowadays you can also use it to start your favorite applications and favorite internal commands, so the name does not fit it's function anymore. Maybe "Favorites" is a better name for it (note that the Windows icon for the favorites folder is used in Total Commander on the Directory hotlist button).

Wouldn't it be nice if Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar could all have the same possible functionalities assigned to a menu-entry or button. That way the user can decide how he wants to activate a certain functionality (either by main menu, popup menu or button). For example, if the user wishes he could use the Button bar for his favorite directories and use Directory hotlist for starting is favorite applications (just an example).
Now some functionalities are bound to Directory hotlist, or Start menu, or Button bar. Like "Target path" is bound to Directory hotlist and "Parameters" is bound to Start menu and Button bar. I am suggesting to give Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar the same possibilities.

The "Change directory menu" dialog and the "Change start menu" dialog look alike very much. Maybe the same look can be applied to the "Change button bar" dialog. Maybe even have the same tree like view for the buttons and sub bars (and a "Add subbar" button instead of the "Add submenu" button). A bold idea, I know.

If my idea mentioned in point 3) is implemented it would be nice if Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar were all stored on disk in the same way (using the same file format). So the user could have the same file (containing his favorites) be shown as a Button bar, Directory hotlist or Start menu. That way he can test what works best for him.
Or the user could assign the file for example to both the Directory hotlist and the Start menu, resulting in two ways the user can access the same favorites.
Note that Directory hotlist, Start menu and Button bar are already stored in a way very similar to each other.

About the internal commands which can be assigned to a menu entry or button.
A) Don't bother the user that most of the internal commands are internal menu commands. Remove "cm_" from the commands.
B) list all possible internal commands in the drop down box (instead of most of them). And don't forget "cd".
C) be more consistent in how the Command and Parameters fields must be used for internal commands. Note the differences for the following commands:
Append folder tabs stored in a file
:arrow: Command: appendtabs <file_name>
:arrow: Parameters:
Switch to another button bar stored in a file
:arrow: Command: <file_name>
:arrow: Parameters:
Note that no command exists for this. The action is determined by the file name extension. I think it would be better to use a command.
Create a zip file from a file containing a list of file names of the files to zip
:arrow: Command: zipfromlist
:arrow: Parameters: <file_name>
For this one you must use the Parameters field.
Open a ftp connection
:arrow: Command: ftpopen <session_name>
:arrow: Parameters:
Change directory (Total Commanders advanced version)
:arrow: Command: cd <dir_name>
:arrow: Parameters:
Maybe it is best to allow the user to use the Command and Parameters fields the same way for internal commands as for external commands (programs). For the Command field: you may specify the internal command to be run and also specify fixed parameters. For the Parameters field: you may specify the parameters for the internal command, including the special parameters (like %N etc.)
D) when an internal command is selected from the drop down box, the description is also copied to the input field. Changing anything else to the description other than removing it would result in the internal command not being recognized. It is better to not copy the description to the input field. The description is removed anyway when the OK button is clicked.
E) add a ">>" button after the Parameters field to select a file
F) also allow the internal commands to be executed on the command line (kinda like good old MS-DOS).

Button bar right click menu additions. I would like the following options to be added:
a) Flat icons check mark to quickly switch between flat icons and 3D icons (so the user can better compare the results with this option enabled or disabled)
b) Small icons check mark to quickly switch between large and small icons (same reason as above)
c) Back to previous button bar (in case of a sub bar, Total Commander maintains a list of the previous bars). That way you do not have to waste a button for this. Also, the way button bars are implemented right now, this option would make it easier to exchange sub bars.

Thanks for reading.

Edited 7) to hopefully make it more clear.
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