Greetings ...
I am in the middle of some massive coding work
and so really spending some time with SyW (& NP++ of course) ...
I submit all these items only for your consideration in case you might find any of them of value.
The CPU usage issue still makes SyW seem "sluggish".
I am having an acp "auto-show" issue.
If I type WinS - the list popups up @ the 4th character;
after I hit enter & choose WinSet, the list pops up again
because WinSetTitle is still an option.
Seems to me - after I hit enter, the list should not auto-show again on that word ...
until after I move off & then maybe move back to that word ...
Ctrl-B (matching bracket) does not work sometimes when going up/backwards -
even though it always works going down/forwards & there are no mismatched braces ...
It stops on some (non-match) nested/intermediate {brace}.
I haven't tried this on [brackets] - but braces are nested much more often than brackets/parentheses ...
Alextp wrote:>>I (still) don't see how to view the same file side by side vertically split ...
SAME file can't be splitted vertical. Only horz by splitter near tab caption.
Well, this is an important/useful feature. I use it all the time in NP++ ...
Alextp wrote:>>After I do a horizontal split -- "Sync horizontal scrolling" is greyed-out until I move the file to the other view;
Of course, u need OTHER file to be opened in other view. Horz split(u mean split of SAME file?) is not ok for SyncScroll.
Well, it seems to me that sync scrolling of same file split horizontal view is normal/useful/needed & could/should be possible ...
SyW seems lacking (to me) in same file split view functionality ...
- can't (yet?) view vertically;
- no horizontal-split hotkeys;
- no sync-scrolling;
I do same file split viewing often - when I need to see two different parts of the script at the same time.
Alextp wrote:>>that both sides either have or don't have a tab bar ...
I don't want such. Two sides can have different Num of tabs.
... uneven tab bars makes sync-viewing a bit difficult ...
Alextp wrote:>>the Options popup reacts like I had hit Alt-Space ... Can't fix. general GUI issue...
Makes SyW seem "buggy" ...