Some feature requests

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Some feature requests

Post by *IlanSh »

1. Change INI file location in WinCmd.INI or more accessible - Tools-Configuration menu.
Current status - if not set during setup, must edit registry entries, have to search web for instructions.

2. Add ActiveTabColor to WinCmd.INI or more accessible - Tools-Configuration - colors menu.
Current status - has to add ActiveTabColor manually, colors are RGB number coded, have to search web for instructions.

3. Clear option for dialog boxes with bigger font that do not mess up the dialog boxes.
Current status - have to fiddle with both DPI and font size until getting desired result. have to search web for instructions.

Also, I understand that ActiveTabColor must be with the Windows gradiant. For some reason the color at the beginning of the gradient is paler than the RGB setting. I find it hard to believe there is a solution for more pronounced color at the gradient beginning, but it wont hurt to ask...

Cheers and thanks for an EXCELLENT manager
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